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Informative Bulletin - June/2014

After an intense time full of activities the first semester of 2014 in the Postgraduation Program in Religious Studies closes. A lot occurred in our Program in the life and work of our student and teaching body.


Defended, but not dismissed:

First, we should like to greet the students who defended their master’s degree dissertations or doctoral theses:

Defense of Master’s Degree: Angela Maria Pereira Aleixo, Antonio Carlos Soares dos Santos, Elias Gomes, Everton Ferreira Froés, Fernando Ripoli, Flávia Medeiros, Ivna Maia Fu-chigami, Jorge Estebam Wills Okada, José Renato dos Santos, José Wellington dos Santos, Marcos Jair Ebeling, Noeme de Matos Wirth, Priscila Kikuchi Campanaro, Rafael de Campos, Rogerio de Fabris, Valter Borges, Vera Lucia de Castro.
Defense of Doctorate: Noemia dos Santos Silva, Moises Abdon Coppe.

We congratulate the students and their tutors for taking this important step. We thank them for their academic contributions in the research projects and groups of our Program, in congresses and for the production of scientific articles and chapters of books or whole books and we encourage everybody – now even more qualified – to continue these activities, especially, of maintaining links with the research projects and groups of our Program.

Sandwich Doctorate:
This semester the student Allan da Silva Coelho finished his internship of sandwich, or interuniversity exchange, doctorate (PDSE), at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales - France. The next student will be Osiel Lourenço de Carvalho who will go to Portugal. For new requests for our PPG there are scholarships, but the limit date for enrollments is August 13, 2014.

Besides approximately 20 articles, the members o four teaching and student body this semester published several books.

Please see at: http://portal.metodista.br/posreligiao/english/publications/books

We are also constructing a Digital Repositary of Scientific Publications based upon platform AcademiaEdu. The texts can be accessed by www.academia.edu or by the portal of our program, on the page which refers to the teaching body: http://portal.metodista.br/posreligiao/docentes/docentes

We are also in the midst of our selective process. Information about the program can be found on our new Internet page: http://portal.metodista.br/posreligiao/english/

We have also prepared a small video presenting the Program, displaying the concentration areas, research lines, publications and useful information for the students. To see the Video click here: http://vimeo.com/95529988

General data of the selective process
Enrollments: May 5 through July 11, 2014
Selection: 1st phase: July 14 and 15, 2014 and 2nd phase: July 21 through 24, 2014.
Interviews: July 23 from 9am to 6pm
Disclosure of the results: July 25, 2014
Registrations: July 28 through 31, 2014
See: http://portal.metodista.br/posreligiao/english/posreligiao/english/admission-to-the-program/admission-process-dates-and-explanations

Aula Magna:
The first academic highlight in the second semester will be Aula Magna. Our program will receive Professor Eduardo Rodrigues da Cruz, of the program in Religious Studies of PUC-SP, to refer to the theme "Cognitive sciences and evolution studies: new possibilities for the study of religion". We are grateful for and honored by the disposition of the colleague who will share with us one of the latest and most interesting items of research in the area at the moment.

Date and place: August 13, 2014, at 4pm, Campus Rudge Ramos - Edifício Capa, 4º andar.

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