Not regular students
A special student is the one who, bearer of the diploma of graduation/master’s degree duly registered, enrolls in academic activities offered by the program, in accordance with the standards of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduation Regulations of METODISTA.
The condition of student in Special System is allowed for two scholastic semesters, and the student will be able to study up to 2 (two) disciplines per semester, provided that there is a vacancy available in the discipline requested.
In the act of registration the following documents must be submitted:
- Graduation Diploma, duly registered (for matriculation in the Master’s Degree) or diploma of Master’s Degree, duly registered (for registration in the Doctorate) – 1 authenticated copy.
- ID Card or Brazilian ID Card for foreigners - 1 copy
- Tax ID – 1 copy
- Curriculum Vitae
- 1 photo 3 x 4
The student in Special System does not have a permanent link with the Stricto Sensu Postgraduation Program. If competing in the selection examination and coming to be classified for a vacancy in the Stricto Sensu Postgraduation Program, (s)he will be able to request from the Relationship Center the use of the credits concluded, which will be evaluated by the Program Collegiate.
Additional information/queries/clarification please contact:
- Telephone: 4366-5549, Monday through Friday, from 8am to 10pm
- E-mail:
Place of delivery of documentation and execution of the registration:
Universidade Metodista de São Paulo
Relationship Center, in Anexo Ómicron (in front of the Main Gate) - Campus Rudge Ramos
Rua Alfeu Tavares, 149 - São Bernardo do Campo/SP, Monday through Friday, from 8am to 09:30pm, except holidays.