Scientific Congresses of other Institutions and Associations
08/29 to 09/01/2016
7th Congress ABIB
Theme: Pentateuch
07/25 to 29/2016
2nd International Symposium / 15th National Symposium / 2nd South Symposium of ABHR
Theme: History, Gender and Religion: Violence and Human Rights
06/01 to 03/2016
International Sumposium at Centre Maurice-Leenhardt de recherche en missiologie
Theme: La missiologie à la croisée des disciplines et des continents: un état des lieux
Missiology among the different disciplines and continents
07/12 to 15/2016
29th International Congress of the Society of Theology and Religious Study – SOTER
Theme: times of the Spirit: inspiration and discernment.
05/18 to 22/2016
International Twin Consultation Brazil 2015 - Germany 2016
Theme: Reformation – Education –Transformation
04/26 to 29/2016
8th International Congress in Religious Studies
Theme: Religion, health and alternative therapies
6th International Symposium of Theology and Religious Studies - PUC Minas/FAJE
5th Congress of ANPTECRE
21st World Congress of the International Association of the History of Religions
1st Symposium of studies about Hinduism and Vaishnavism
Lusophone Congress of Religious Studies
4th Latin American Congress of Gender and Religion - History, Health and Rights
14th National Symposium of ABHR –3rd International Meeting of Religious Studies