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Visiting Lecturers

Visiting international and national lecturers


Visiting Lecturers can become part of the teaching body for one or more semesters or offer intensive courses, as well as take part in research groups and projects.


Visiting professors confirmed for 2016:


October 15 and 30, 2016: Dr. Johan Buitendag, Dean of the Theology School of the University of Pretoria (South Africa).
Theme: Theological Training in a Public University: The model of the University of Pretoria
Publications of the lecturer


September 29, 2016: Professor Dr. Eliane Cristine Sartorelli of the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Human Sciences and Languages of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH – USP)
Lecturer of Week XX of Religious Studies (500 years of the Protestant Reform: criticism and perspectives)
Theme: Plural Spiritualities of the Reform
Curriculum lattes


September 27 and 29, 2016: Professor Dr. Ulrich Duchrow of the University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Lecturer of Week XX of Religious Studies (500 years of the Protestant Reform: criticism and perspectives)
Themes: “Radicalizing the Reform”; “The Reform and others”.
Curriculum vitae


September 27 and 29, 2016: Dr. Douglas Rodrigues da Conceição, lecturer of the Religious Studies program, UEPA (State University of Pará).
Lecturer of Week XX of Religious Studies (500 years of the Protestant Reform: criticism and perspectives)
Theme: “The biblical interpretations of the Reform”
Curriculum Lattes.


September 27 and 28, 2016: Professor Dr. Véronique Gauthier of the University of Strasbourg, France.
Lecturer of Week XX of Religious Studies (500 years of the Protestant Reform: criticism and perspectives)
Theme: Evangelical Protestantism: Latin American perspectives


August 08 through 23, 2016: Dr. Cheryl Anderson, lecturer of Old Testament of the Evangelical Theological Seminar of Garret, Ilinois (USA).
Intensive course: Gender and Religion/ coordinated by Professor Dr. Sandra Duarte de Souza.
Information about the professor


August 18 and 19, 2016: Professor Dr. Melissa Archer, Department of Biblical Studies at Southeastern University, Lakeland, Florida.
Lecturer at Integrated Seminar III: Pentecostal, Theological and Religious Studies.
Theme: Issues of gender in pentecostal theology: biblical perspectives [title of work to be confirmed]

Dr. Melissa Archer is associated lecturer of the biblical studies department of Southeastern University (belonging to the Assemblies of God of the USA), in Lakeland, Florida. Before teaching in the Southeastern University, she was a lecturer of New Testament and Biblical Languages in the Pentecostal Theological Seminar (it belongs to the Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee, USA). Before she taught Greek and New Testament in the Theological Seminar of Ashland, in Ashland, Ohio. Besides her teaching responsibilities, Dr. Archer served with her husband, Dr. Kenneth J. Archer, in three churches, as well as working in the pastoral university of the Church of God of Woodward, in Atenas, Tennessee. She exercises the ministry of exhortation of the Church of God. She and her husband currently serve as pastors of young adults in the Church of God of Highlands, Lakeland, Florida. Dr. Archer obtained her PhD at the University of Bangor, in Wales. Her thesis had as title “I Was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day”: A Pentecostal Engagement with Worship in the Apocalypse. She is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature, as well as of the Society for Pentecostal Studies.


August 18 and 19, 2016: Professor Dr. Cheryl Bridges Johns, Pentecostal Theological Seminar of the Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee.
Lecturer at Integrated Seminar III: Pentecostal, Theological and Religious Studies.
Theme: Issues of gender in pentecostal theology in ecumenical perspective [title of work to be confirmed]

Dr. Cheryl Bridges Johns, is lecturer of Discipleship and Christian Formation in the Pentecostal Theological Seminar of the Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee. Her published work includes more than three dozen articles in academic and religious, among which the book “Pentecostal Formation: A Pedagogy Among the Oppressed” stands out, in which she converses with the Pentecostal theology regarding the pedagogical theories of Paulo Freire, and it was the theme of her doctoral thesis in the Baptist Seminar of the South, in 1987. She is the former president of the Society for Pentecostal Studies. She has taken part actively in numerous ecumenical initiatives, including the Catholic-Pentecostal Dialog, the Group of Evangelicals and Catholics Together, the Dialog between the Church of God and the Mennonites. She also represented her denomination in the Commission of Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches and of the National Council of Churches of the USA. Dr. Johns is a member of the Evangelical Council of Human Rights, of the Evangelical Coalition for Common Good, and of the National Religious Campaign against Torture. Her work also includes several initiatives aiming at the "Scientists and Evangelicals Initiative on the Care of Creation." Until recently she co-pastored with her husband Jackie Johns New Covenant Church of God, a church which she and Jackie founded in 1989.


August 19, 2016: Professor Dr. David Morgan of the University Duke, Department of Religious Studies and Department of Art, History of Art and Visual Studies
A workshop regarding religious visual culture of the Research group RIMAGO (Brazilian Religious Visual Culture), coordinated by professor Dr. Helmut Renders
Information about the professor


August 10, 2016: Dr. Jerry Pillay, professor and coordinator of the area “Church History and Church Policy” of the Theology School of the University of Pretoria (South Africa).
02pm: Meeting with the teaching body of the Postgraduation Program in Religious Studies
04pm: Aula Magna: The church as Agency of Transformation and Change coordinated by Professor Helmut Renders.
Information about the lecturer: A leader of the African Church with a global perspective. Learn more.


Professors who visited us in 2015:

October 29, 2015: Professor Dr. Daniel Ramirez Together with Professor Dr. Paulo Ayres Mattos and Professor Dr. Lauri Emilio Wirth]
The professor Ramirez is doctor in Church History at the University Duke and teaches History of North American Religion, in the Departments of History and American Culture, at the University of Michigan, focusing upon the American history of religion, African American studies, Latin American cultural studies and cultural anthropology. (Assistant Professor, North American Religious History; Depts. of History & American Culture)


Conference: October 29, 2015, from 02pm to 05pm, in the Edifício Capa
Theme: Latino Pentecostal Migrants in the USA: Questions, opportunities, and challenges

Upon this occasion, the researcher will also present his latest book: RAMIREZ, Daniel. Migrating Faith: Pentecostalism in the United States and Mexico in the Twentieth Century. University of North Carolina Press, 2015. [Collection: Christianity and Renewal - Interdisciplinary Studies]

The book will be published as a hardback and as an E-Book.


October 7 to 10, 2015: Professor Dr. Joaquín Algranti
The sociologist was educated in Argentina and is a professor at the University of Buenos Aires.
Lecturer in the Week of Religious Studies of the Postgraduation Program in Religious Studies [“Visual Culture”]

10/07 - First conference - Open to the public
10/08 - Second conference - Open to the public


October 7 to 10, 2015: Professor Dr. Israel Finkelstein

One of the most prominent archeologists nowadays, Israel Finkelstein is professor of the Department of Archeology and Civilizations of the Ancient East, of the University of Tel Aviv, director of the Megiddo da Expedition and author of several books related to the bible and archeology.

10/07 - First conference - Religious Studies Week
10/08 - Second conference - Religious Studies Week
09/10 - Seminar with the Research Group "Archeology of the near ancient east" and guests -
10/10 - Seminar ABIB-SP - Open to the public

(Participation rate at SER: R$ 30.00 for lecturers and students of Umesp; R$ 40.00 external students; R$ 50.00 external lecturers)

Lecturer in the Week of Religious Studies of the Postgraduation Program in Religious Studies [“Material culture”]
Page on the Internet

Learn more about the Week of Religious Studies


August 28, 2015: Kenneth J. Archer, PhD, Southeastern University, Lakeland, Florida.

Integrated Seminar II: Pentecostal, Theological and Religious Studies; Conference “A Pentecostal Hermeneutic: Questions and Challenges”.

Dr. Archer is Professor for Pentecostal Theology and Christian Studies of Southeastern University, Lakeland, Florida, and, among others, author of:

  • The Gospel Revisited: Towards a Pentecostal Theology of Worship and Witness. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2011; 
  • A Pentecostal Way of Doing Theology: Method and Manner”. In International Journal of Systematic Theology, vol. 9, n. 3 (July 2007) 
  • A Pentecostal Hermeneutic for the Twenty-First Century: Spirit, Scripture and Community. London and New York: T&T Clark International, 2004.



August 28, 2015: Ricardo Waldrop, lecturer of missiology at the Seminar Pentecostal SemiSud, in Quito, Ecuador.

Integrated Seminar II: Pentecostal, Theological and Religious Studies; Conference “Hermeneutics of the Theology of Latin American Liberation and Pentecostal Mission Praxis”.


August 12 and 13, 2015: Dr. Cheryl Anderson, lecturer of Old Testament of Evangelical Theological Seminar of Garret, Illinois (USA).

Aula magna
Date: August 12, 2015
Time: 04pm to 06pm
Place: Auditorium of Edifício Capa
Theme: “The Song of Songs: Redeeming Gender Constructions in the Age of AIDS”

International Seminar
Date: August 13, 2015
Time: 9am to 11am
Local: Auditorium of Edifício Capa
Theme: “Biblical and theological hermeneutics in the context of HIV and AIDS” The participants who enroll by 08/10/15 will receive the certificate. Together with Professor Dr. Sandra Duarte Souza (Gender Studies) and Professor Dr. José Ademar Kaefer (Old Testament).

Page on the Internet


August 11, 2015: Professor Dr. Anne Streaty Wimberly: "Building Bridges of Hope: the Role of the Church Reaching Marginalized Black Youths". Professor Dr. Edward Powell Wimberly: " African American Pastoral Care: The Politics of Oppression and Empowerment"

Professor Dr. E. Wimberly is Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling in the Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, Georgia, a unit of Theological Faculties formed by African American Churches. He is author of books as "African American Pastoral Care and Counseling: The Politics of Oppression and Empowerment" and "Relational Refugees: Alienation and Re-Incorporation in African American Churches and Communities" and an activist in defense of human and social rights.

Professor Dr. Anne Streaty Wimberly is also professor in ITC and specialist in Christian Education. She is authoress of books as "Soul Stories: African American Christian Education", "In Search of Wisdom: Faith Formation in the Black Church".

The two published together "Liberation & Human Wholeness".

The lectures will be given in room 407 - Edifício Capa, as of 01:30pm.


August 4 to 6, 2015: Professor Dr. Matthias Henze, of the Postgraduation Program in Religious Studies, of Rice University, Houston, Texas.

Seminar of the Oracula Research group, coordinated by professor Dr. Paulo Augusto Nogueira.

Page on the Internet


1st semester of 2016: Johnny Hill (Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion; Claflin University)

Together with Professor Dr. Claudio de Oliveira Ribeiro and Professor Dr. Helmut Renders

Theme: Liberation and Reconciliation

The course explores the theological, philosophical and ethical dimensions of major religious and cultural movements for peace, justice, liberation, and reconciliation in the Twentieth Century up to the contemporary era. Considering the thought of central figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Desmond Mpilo Tutu, Mother Teresa, and Leonardo Boff, students will reflect on the similarities and differences, from the Civil Rights Movement in the American South, Afro-Brazilian and Black consciousness movements, the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, ecological movements, to the Landless People's movement of Brazil. Students will engage the theological and philosophical roots of the ideas that have transformed nations and the world, and what it means for addressing key ethical questions in the world today--for instance, what is the role of religion in ending world hunger? How do justice-seeking individuals and groups within nation-states attend to the problem of cultural and militaristic violence?; and the broadly related question of differences in the age of globalization.

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