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Informative Bulletin - December/2013

Dear friend of our Postgraduation Program in Religious Studies of UMESP!

We close this second semester of 2013 with gratitude, expectations for 2014 and a last novelty – the first edition of this informative bulletin.

Today 110 students and 16 professors belong to our PPG. We have trained 24 masters and 5 doctors and 19 students have been accepted for the 1st semester of 2014. They are not only figures: they are people who have contributed and will contribute to our small academic community with their experience and academic interest, sometimes, with a more immediate return as in the case of second place of the award Theses of CAPES of the student Nilza Menezes Lino Lagos, guided by the professor Sandra Duarte de Souza. We also congratulate the student Elcio Valmiro for obtaining a FAPESP scholarship for the doctorate, and the students Moises Abdon Coppe and Allan da Silva Coelho for their experience overseas, through a sandwich doctorate scholarship. Three small reminders for the almost graduates: those entering in March 2012 need to deposit their dissertations by 02/28/2014, and those entering in February 2010 must deposit their theses by 01/14/2014.

Besides the usual coming and going, we also need to say “See you soon” to the professor Etienne Alfred Higuet. After 34 years at Metodista, he is leaving us at the end of the year, but he will be with us on 02/19/2014 as lecturer of AULA MAGNA of the 1st semester of 2014. With professor Etienne, the last of the generation of founders of our PPG (Postgraduation Program) retires. Our PPG owes him a great deal. Another change was in the coordination itself. Professor Leonildo Silveira Campos left the coordination, but not without having received a rare acknowledgement, the return of our PPG to grade 6 of CAPES. He divides this distinction with professor Jung Mo Sung, coordinator of our PPG in the first year of the triennium evaluated (2010-2012). We should also like to congratulate professor Paulo Augusto Nogueira for the thematic project scholarship of FAPESP. Those interested in the research projects and groups can access the Curriculum Lattes of each professor or go to the respective page of our PPG.

The coming year will bring new challenges. Our PPG enrolled together with the PPG in theology or Religious Studies of Belo Horizonte, Recife and Belém, in PROCAD (National Academic Cooperation Program), a possibility to increase academic horizons and share research in loci. We are also increasing our contacts overseas to facilitate interchanges of the student and teaching body.

Are you interested in studying and sharing your experience and knowledge with us? The next selective process will take place between 05/05 and 06/12/2014, with first and second phase tests between 06/15 and 06/23/2014. While a project for a postdoctoral internship can be submitted throughout the year.

In the name of all the student and teaching body of our program we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.


Helmut Renders

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