Prof. Dr. Blanches Paula
Doctor in Religious Studies from the Methodist University of São Paulo (2009), and Post- Doctorate from Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Geórgia, EUA (2016).
Area of concentration: Religion, Society and Culture
Research emphasis: Religion and Psychological and pedagogical dynamics Research interests: Pastoral Care, Psychology and religion, ministry.
Academic Currciulum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Dario Paulo Barrera Rivera
Doctor in Religious Studies by the Methodist University of São Paulo and Post- Doctorate in Religious Studies from the Methodist University of São Paulo. Research
interests: Religious Practices in Urban Periphery, Pentecostalism, Migration and Religion.
Area of concentration: Religion, Society and Culture
Academic Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Helmut Renders
Doctor in Religious Studies from the Methodist University of São Paulo, and Post-Doctorate from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora.
Area of concentration: Languages of religion;
Research Line: Theologies of religion and culture
Research interests: Systematic Theology, Religion, Culture and Society, Iconography.
Academic Curriculum Vitae
Digital Scientific Repository (Academia.Edu)
Prof. Dr. José Ademar Kaefer
Doctor in Sacred Scriptures from the Westfälische Wilhelms-Univerität, Münster, Germany. Research interests: Old Testament, Exgeses, Arche-ology of the Ancient Near East.
Area of concentration: Languages of religion;
Academic Curriculum Vitae
Digital Scientific Repository (Academia.Edu)
Prof. Dr. Jung Mo Sung
Doctor in Religious Studies from the Methodist University of São Paulo, and Post-Doctorate in Education from the Methodist University of Piracicaba. Research interests: Theology and Economy, Religion and Education, Liberation and Postcolonial Theologies.
Area of concentration: Religion, Society and Culture
Academic Curriculum Vitae
Digital Scientific Repository (Academia.Edu)
Prof. Dr. Lauri Emilio Wirth (Academic Dean)
Doctor in Theology from the Evangelical School of Theology of the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Research interests:History of Christianity, Postcolonial Studies, Oral History.
Area of concentration: Religion, Society and Culture
Academic Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Nicanor Lopes
Doctor in Religious Studies from the Methodist University of São Paulo. Research interests: Practical Theology and Mission.
Area of concentration: Religion, Society and Culture
Academic Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Paulo Augusto de Souza Nogueira
Doctor in Theology from the Evangelical School of Theology of the University of Heidelberg, Germa-ny, and Post- Doctorate in History from the State University of Campinas (NEE / Nucleus for Strategic Studies). Research interests: History and Literature of the Early Christianity, Literary Theory and Semiotic of Culture and Religion.
Area of concentration: Languages of religion;
Academic Curriculum Vitae
Digital Scientific Repository (Academia.Edu)
Prof. Dr. Paulo Roberto Garcia
Doctor in Religious Studies from the Methodist University of São Paulo. Research interests: New Testament, Literature and History of Early Christianity.
Area of concentration: Languages of religion;
Academic Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Sandra Duarte de Souza
Doctor in Religious Studies from the Methodist University of São Paulo, and PostDoctorate in Cultural History from the State University of Campinas. Research interests: Feminist Studies and Religion; Culture and Religion; Politics and Religion.
Area of concentration: Religion, Society and Culture
Academic Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Suely Xavier dos Santos
Doctor in Religious Studies from the Methodist University of São Paulo (2011)
Area of concentration: Languages of religion;
Research interests: Prophecy, Isaiah, Messianism, Exegesis, Biblical Theology and History of Israel.
Theology and Academic Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Vitor Chaves de Souza
Doctor (2015) and Post-Doctorate studies (2016) in Religious Studies from the Methodist University of São Paulo
Area of concentration: Languages of religion;
Research Line: Theologies of religion and culture
Research interests: Hermeneutics and Philosophy of Religion
Academic Curriculum vitae