The social construction of inequalities and the strategic dimensions of education
To provide students with a space for reflection on the various practical and theoretical components that involve school life in a socio-educational perspective. For this, the approach is anchored on the differences and inequalities between human beings and education as a space of transformation through a committed educational action. It also turns to gender and racial discrimination in school as well as the social construction of inequality. The school is seen as a cultural space where there are relations of prejudice and discrimination.
Philosophical Approaches to Education
The discipline aims to discuss and jointly problematize philosophical anthropology, pedagogy and education, in their intimate and mutually dependent relationships. The basic theoretical reference - anthropological and epistemological - is of the contemporary German philosophers Johannes Lohmann, Martin Heidegger and Josef Pieper. From this last, proceed the method of studying the triad mentioned, from language, institutions and practices. Language, as the privileged instance of analysis, reveals the very foundations of the ultra-essential "language / thought system" (Lohmann). In education and training of educators, no pedagogical practice should remain opaque: truly educated is the educator capable of identifying and questioning "hidden" values in this or that activity. Thus, the discipline will explore basic "Lohmannian" categories that are projected in Pedagogy, among which stand out: "confused thinking", the neutral and the average voice.
Non-formal education and non-school education
The course aims to discuss concepts and experiences of non-formal education and non-school education, in order to incorporate new forms of education and new learning contexts into the education of educators and education research, differentiated from non-formal education. Also analyzes the relationships between school education and non-school education in different contexts.
Ensino superior e EAD: tendências e desafios para a formação e atuação de professores
Distance education and the trend towards a progressive expansion of its possibilities in Higher Education - both in the form of the semi-presential disciplines offered in face-to-face courses and in the form of undergraduate and postgraduate courses at a distance - and the challenges that this represents for the training and performance of teachers involved in the context of university education.
Higher education: teacher training and practice
School and democracy: political foundations and Brazilian reality
It discusses the relationship between education and politics, with a view to overcoming naive and mystifying conceptions that give education the potential to solve the grave problems that afflict humanity such as hunger, violence, unemployment, social exclusion, misery, ecological destruction of the planet. As analyses Saviani, inverting the concepts determinant / determinated from the equation society/school by considering school as the determining element of social relations. It seeks to critically develop the perception of the potentialities of school education as an element of social transformation.
School and democracy: political foundations and Brazilian reality
Philosophy and pedagogical thinking
Level: PhD
Compulsory: No
Areas of concentration: Education
The discipline aims to discuss the articulation between philosophical anthropology and pedagogical thought in two of the most important philosophers of education today: professor Münster Josef Pieper (1904-1997) and Madrid Alfonso López Quintás (1928- ). Pieper makes the philosophy of the University in dialectical interaction with Anthropology, through the mediation of the philosophizing act itself, establishing a correspondence between three poles: the mission of the university which is to meet the human yearnings that manifest themselves in philosophizing. Thus, the desire for knowledge to realize the vocation of the spirit of openness without frontiers (from the hen panta of Heraclitus to Plato's Republic 486a) and all the essential anthropological characteristics that accompany it (or should ...) be aimed at the university institution . Alfonso López Quintás proposes an innovative instrumental in his anthropology, "filosofía del encuentro", with the creation of a theoretical reference (with the concepts of "scope", "reversible experiences", of the ludic-ambital method, etc.). To inspire all educators interested in forming a criterion for applying pedagogical guidelines, in their new proposals, especially transversality.
Teacher Training and Teaching Profession
It analyzes the teacher formation processes - the process of professional socialization, personal trajectories, professional identity and social production; The role of research and teacher training; The new paradigms for basic and continuing teacher training. It focuses the teaching profession in its contextual and political-ideological dimensions. The discourse about the "centrality" of teachers in public policies, their reasons and contradictions. It presents Life Stories as a research methodology in the area of education and as a possible resource for the education for educators.
History of the Teaching Profession in Brazil
History of the Teaching Profession in Brazil and in the State of São Paulo. Jesuit education and first letter teachers. History of Education and Women's Education History. The Escola Normal Paulista: curricula and programs. Catholic and Protestant religious institutions. The Feminization of Teaching. Co-education of the sexes. The training of teachers: the Specific Qualification of secondary school for the Magisterium; The Centers for Training and Improvement of Teaching (CEFAMs). The training of teachers and the teaching profession in the new LDB, Law no. 9394/96: Normal Higher Education degree and Pedagogy Higher Education degree.
História da Profissão Docente no Brasil
História da Profissão Docente no Brasil e no Estado de São Paulo. Educação jesuítica e professores de primeiras letras. História da Educação e História das mulheres. A Escola Normal Paulista: currículos e programas. Instituições religiosas católicas e protestantes. A feminização do magistério. A coeducação dos sexos. A formação de professores: a Habilitação Específica de 2º grau para o Magistério; os Centros de Formação e Aperfeiçoamento do Magistério (CEFAMs). A formação de professores e a profissão docente na nova LDB, Lei n. 9394/96: curso normal superior e curso de Pedagogia.
New Paradigms, subjectivity and formation of educators
The discipline studies the ongoing paradigm shift, especially in the Western World, with a focus on verifying its roots and its extension to epistemology and anthropology. It then verifies the redemptive movement of human subjectivity - hitherto repressed by its strong concern for objectivity - in its various expressions, but based on the philosophical foundation of the different approaches. It then makes an analysis of teacher formation showing the need for it to work with human subjectivity, problematizing how this approximation is performed.
Research in Education
It Studies the research objects and research instruments. It identifies the main trends and conceptual challenges to be faced by research in education. It discusses the different types of research, with emphasis on the qualitative approach.
Educational Policies in the Historical Perspective
Reflections on the connection between dependency situations and the configuration of the educational process in Brazil. The illiteracy issue analyzed from a political perspective: the relationship between the constitutional ban (up to 1988) of the illiterate vote and the position of the ruling classes regarding universal literacy. The constitutional evolution of the right to education in Brazil (1824 - 1988). The matter of popular education in Brazil: a) the intervention of the State in popular education; B) experiences of popular self-education. The political implications of the internal configuration of the Brazilian educational system: the thesis of "uneven schooling". The entry of the national state in the establishment of general guidelines for education: political aspects of the first LDB (1961). Political analysis of the higher education evolution of in Brazil.
Master Thesis Seminars
Approach on special topics defined from completed papers, research projects in preparation and the themes of the participating degree seeking students´ dissertations. Analysis of the proposed research problems and methodologies.
Research Seminars
The discipline discusses the theoretical-methodological paths that have subsidized some lines of current educational research, emphasizing those that are present in the area. The aim is to provide references and discuss the master dissertation projects.
Advanced Seminars
The Advanced Seminars propose to debate about the school organization starting with the main sociological paradigms of organizational analysis and integrating the most recent contributions regarding images and metaphors for its analysis.
Thematic Seminars
Space for discussion of educational subjects, enabling the deepening and expansion of knowledge. It is offered in the form of seminars, by means of the themes.
Theories of Education and Brazilian Reality
The discipline opens with a deepening around the discussions about reality, education and Brazilian culture, orienting the reflection in the perspective of the current socio-cultural crisis. It then reflects on the ownership and timeliness of the debates surrounding "right x left" and "liberal x progressive" conceptions, considering the context of transformations in progress. From there it presents some important representatives of Brazilian pedagogical thought and its theoretical references, under an anthropological-political approach. It concludes by identifying problems, challenges and perspectives that are currently posed to Brazilian educational thinking. Important categories for such study are:
Crisis, paradigms, formal and non-formal education, class, class struggle, state, civil society, work, complexity, new paradigms, subjectivity, neo-liberalism.
School Theories in Contemporary Society
The objective of this discipline is to promote the discussion of authors who explicitly address the controversial issue of the class character of the school apparatus in the current model of society. All the authors examined sustain that, under the universalistic appearance, today´s school system reflects, in its operation, the perspective of the ruling class, and not of the social majority.
Educators’ Lives: Methodological and Formative Aspects
It presents Life Stories as a research methodology in the area of education and as a possible resource for the training of educators. Its purpose is to enable the construction of the autobiographical script and its discussion, seeking to reflect on the questions: How did I become what I am? How did I get the ideas I have?
Discipline offering schedule:
1st Semester: Research Seminars, Dissertation Seminars, Philosophical Approaches, Electives, Research in Education.
2nd Semester: Thematic Seminars, Theories of Education and Brazilian Reality, Advanced Seminaries, Electives.
3rd Semester: Seminars of Master Thesis, Electives, Scheduled Activities.
4th Semester: Research Supervision, Qualification Exam and Presentation of the Dissertation.