Structure of the Program
Areas of Concentration
Research lines
Policies and Educational Management
Investigates and critically analyzes actions, processes and movements related to policy and educational management; discusses the reasons, methods and philosophical, epistemological and historical guidelines, in order to generate the advancement of knowledge and proposals for educational and social renewal.
It has privileged focused themes for: public policies, participative management, academic administration, historical foundations of education policy; educational administration in light of the multi- referential perspective; regarding social curriculum-culture- transformation.
Educator Training
The Teacher Training line investigates the formative processes and the action of educators (teachers, coordinators, managers, educators) in a critical perspective, questioning the training and practice at all levels of formal and non-formal. Identifies with the role of educators in different socio-historical-cultural contexts and the possibilities and theoretical and methodological challenges of research in the area. the issues concerning the so privileged are: formative knowledge and educational practices; training and career paths; subjectivity;daily life, memory and gender; oral history; new technologies and new paradigms of education; culture, school and society.
Scientific Didactic system axis Epistemological
Philosophical approaches to Education (3 credits) Theories of Education and Brazilian Reality (3 credits) Theoretical axis Methodology
Research in Education (3 credits) Research Seminars (2 credits) Dissertation Seminars
Master (2 credits)
Thematic axis
Elective Course (two / 6 credits) Seminars (3 credits)
Advanced Seminars (2 credits) Scheduled activities (2 credits)
Preparation of the dissertation (4 credits)
Curricular structure
Menus of Disciplines
The social construction of inequalities and the strategic dimensions of education
Possible between the students a space for reflection on the various practical and theoretical components involving school life in a social and educational perspective. For this, the approach is anchored on the differences and inequalities between humans and education as a space for transformation through a committed teaching action. Turns also to gender discrimination and race in school as well as the social construction of inequality. The school seen as a cultural space where there are relations of prejudice and discrimination.
Education Philosophical approaches Luiz Jean Lauand
The course is proposed to discuss and jointly discuss philosophical anthropology, pedagogy and education in their intimate relationships and how mutually dependent. The basic theoretical - epistemological and anthropological - is the contemporary German philosophers Johannes Lohmann, Martin Heidegger and Josef Pieper. Of the latter, the method proceeds to consider such triad, from language, institutions and practices. Language, as a privileged instance analysis reveals the very foundations of ultra-essential "system language / thought" (Lohmann). Education and training of educators, no pedagogical practice must remain opaque: truly formed the educator is able to identify and question "hidden" values in this or that activity. Thus, the discipline will explore categories "lohmannianas" Basic projecting in pedagogy, among which are: the "confounding thought", the neutral and the average voice.
Non-formal Education and Education No School Zeila De Brito Fabri Demartini
The course discusses concepts and non-formal education experience and not education, to incorporate the training of educators and education research on new forms of education and new learning environments, different non-school education. Also analyze the relationship between school and non-school education in different contexts.
higher education and distance learning: trends and challenges for training and teacher performance
Norinês Panicacci Bahia
The Distance Education and the trend of gradual expansion of its possibilities in higher education - whether in the form of semi-distance courses offered in classroom courses, either in the form of undergraduate and graduate distance - and the challenges that it has represented for training and performance of staff involved in the context of university education.
Higher education: training and teaching practice Norinês Panicacci Bahia
It aims to address the education and performance of teachers given the current context of higher education institutions, accelerated expansion, marked by new demands and requirements from the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education, offering a critical analysis of the adjustments and maladjustments of teaching practice in the face of trends and discussions on: the social function of the university; the purpose of higher education: teaching, research and extension; the daily life of the classroom; teachers and their training and professional career.
School and democracy: political foundations and Brazilian reality Leila Maria Alves
Discusses the relationship between education and politics, with a view to overcoming naive and mystifying concepts they attach to education the potential to solve the serious problems that plague humanity - hunger, violence, unemployment, social exclusion, poverty, ecological destruction of the planet - and how Saviani analyzes, reversing the determining terms / of the equation given school / society, considering the school determinant of social relations. Looking critically develop awareness of the potential of education as a social transformation element.
Philosophy and pedagogical thought Josef Pieper and Alfonso López Quintás
Level: Compulsory Doctor: No Areas of concentration: Education
The course intends to discuss the relationship between philosophical anthropology and pedagogical thinking in two of the most important philosophers of today's education: professor of Münster Josef Pieper (1904-1997) and the Madrid Alfonso López Quintás (1928-). Pieper is the philosophy at the University in dialectical interaction with anthropology, through the mediation of the very act of philosophizing, establishing a correspondence between three poles: the mission of the university is to meet human desires manifested in philosophizing.
Thus, the desire for knowledge of realizing the vocation of boundless open mind (the hen panta Heraclitus 486th to the Republic of Plato) and all anthropological essential characteristics that accompany it will (or should ...) to aim at university institution . Already Alfonso López Quintás proposes an instrumental innovator in his anthropology, "philosophy del encuentro" with the creation of a theoretical framework (with the concepts of "scope", "reversible experiences," the playful-ambital method etc.), which can inspire all concerned educator in forming an application criterion of pedagogical guidelines in its new proposals, especially mainstreaming.
Teacher Training and Teaching Profession Marília Claret Geraes Duran
Analyzes the teacher training process - the professional socialization process, personal development and the production of social and professional identity; the role of research and teacher training; new paradigms for basic training and continuing education of teachers. Focuses on the teaching profession in their context and political and ideological dimensions. The discourse of "centrality" of teachers in public policy, their reasons and contradictions. Displays Life Stories as a research methodology in education and as a possible resource for teacher training
History of the Teaching Profession in Brazil
History of the Teaching Profession in Brazil and in the State of São Paulo. Jesuit education and teachers of first letters. History of education and history of women. The Normal School Paulista: curricula and programs. Catholic and Protestant religious institutions. The feminisation of the teaching profession. The coeducation of the sexes. Teacher training: a Specific Qualification 2nd grade to the Magisterium; the Centers for Training and Improvement of Teaching (CEFAMs). The training of teachers and the teaching profession in the new LDB, Law n. 9394/96: Top course and Faculty of Education.
New Paradigms, subjectivity and teacher training
The discipline studies the paradigm shift in progress, especially in the Western world, concerned to check its roots and its extension to epistemology and anthropology. There then the rescue movement of the human subjectivity - hitherto suppressed by the strong concern about the objectivity - in its various expressions, but taking as a starting point the philosophical reasons of different approaches. It is then a teacher training analysis showing the need that this presents to work with human subjectivity, questioning how this approach is performed.
Research in Education Marília Claret Geraes Duran
Studies the objects of research and research tools. Identifies key trends and conceptual challenges to be faced by research in Education. It discusses the different types of research, with emphasis on references of qualitative approach.
Educational Policy in Historical Perspective Decio de Azevedo Marques Saes
Reflections on the connection between situations of dependency and configuration of educational process in Brazil. The issue of illiteracy analyzed from a political perspective: the relationship between the constitutional ban (until 1988) the vote of the illiterate and the position of the ruling classes as universal literacy. The constitutional evolution of the right to education in Brazil (1824-1988). The question of popular education in Brazil: a) state intervention in popular education; b) experience of popular self-education. The political implications of the internal configuration of the Brazilian educational system: thesis of "unequal schooling". The entrance of the national state in setting general guidelines for education: political aspects of the first LDB (1961). political analysis of the evolution of higher education in Brazil.
Master's Thesis Seminar
special topics defined approach from completed jobs, research projects and in preparation of the themes of the dissertations of participants masters. Analysis of issues and research methodologies proposed.
Research Seminars
The course discusses the theoretical and methodological approaches that have subsidized some lines of current educational research, emphasizing those that are present in the area. It aims to provide references and discuss the initial project thesis of masters.
Advanced seminars
The Advanced Seminars propose to discuss the school organization from major sociological paradigms of organizational analysis and integrating the latest contributions with regard to images and metaphors for analysis.
Space for the discussion of educational topics, enabling the deepening and broadening of knowledge, and offered in the form of seminars, through thematic.
Theories of Education and Brazilian Reality
The course opens with a deepening around the discussion of reality, education and Brazilian culture, guiding the reflection in the light of the current socio-cultural crisis. Then reflects on the property and the present discussions around the concepts "right x left" and "liberal progressive x", considering the context of the changes underway.
From there presents some important representatives of the Brazilian pedagogical thinking and their theoretical references, from an anthropological-political focus. It concludes by identifying issues, challenges and prospects facing at the present time, the Brazilian educational thought. They are important categories for this study: crisis, paradigms, formal and non-formal, class, class struggle, state, civil society, labor, complexity, new paradigms, subjectivity, neo- liberalism.
School theories in Contemporary Society Decio de Azevedo Marques Saes
The aim of this course is to promote discussion of authors that address explicitly the controversial issue of school unit class character of the current model of society. All authors argue that to be examined under the universal appearance, the school system of today reflects, in its operation, the perspective of the ruling class, and not the social majority.
Educators Life: Methodological Aspects and Formative
Displays Life Stories as a research methodology in education and as a possible resource for the training of educators. Its proposed enable the construction of own autobiographical script and discussion, seeking to reflect on the questions: How I became what I am? As I have ideas that I have?
Disciplines offering schedule:
1st Semester Course: Research Seminars, Master Seminars, Philosophical approaches, Electives, Research in Education.
2nd Semester Course: Seminars, education Theories and Brazilian Reality, Advanced Seminars, Elective.
3rd Semester Course: Master thesis seminars, electives, Scheduled Activities.
4th Semester Course: Supervision Research, Qualification Examination and Presentation of Dissertation.
Teachers (names relationship with links to Lattes)
Roseli Fischmann (coordinator)
PhD in Philosophy and History of Education at USP Adriana Barroso Azevedo
PhD in Social Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo (2002)
Decio de Azevedo Marques Saes
Doctor in Sociology from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes in Sciences Sociales (France)
Luiz Jean Lauand
Founder and President of CEMOrOc - Medieval Studies Center East and West, the EDF-FEUSP.
Norinês Panicacci Bahia
PhD in Education from the Catholic University of São Paulo Roger Marchesini Boards Souza
Doctorate in Education: History, Politics, Society. the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2004)
Rui de Souza Josgrilberg
Zeila de Brito Fabri Demartini In Sociology USP
Dates and Notices
Selection Process - Master Registration: 02/05 to 10/06/2016
Written test: 06/14/2016, from 9am to 12pm
proficiency exam in a foreign language: 06/14/2016, from 14h to 17h
Interview, curriculum assessment and evaluation of the project: 15 and 16/06. The schedule will be announced later
Result: 06/20/2014
Meeting with the coordination: 06/21/2016, from 14h to 16h Filename: 22 to 24.6.2016
Selection Process - Doctor Registration: 02/05 to 10/06/2016
Written test: 06/14/2016, from 9am to 12pm
proficiency exam in a foreign language: 06/14/2016, from 14h to 17h
Interview, curriculum assessment and evaluation of the project: 15 and 16/06. The schedule will be announced later
Result: 06/20/2014
Meeting with the coordination: 06/21/2016, from 14h to 16h Filename: 22 to 24.6.2016
I - Description
The Graduate Program in Education of the Methodist University of São Paulo - UMESP do know that the inscriptions are open to the completion of 08 (eight) vacancies, seven (07) Master and one (1) Doctoral in area of Concentration Education in the following research lines:
- POLICY MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION (2 spaces), with 1 Master and the job 1 allocated Doctoral
The line of research Policies and Educational Management investigates and critically analyzes actions, processes and movements related to political and educational management; discusses the reasons, methods and philosophical, epistemological and historical guidelines, in order to generate the advancement of knowledge and proposals for educational and social renewal. It has privileged focused themes for: public policies, participative management, academic administration, historical foundations of education policy; human and political rights education; relationship between public policy environment and education.
- teacher training (6 places in the Master)
The line of research Educator Training investigates the formative processes and the action of educators (teachers, coordinators, managers, educators) in a critical perspective, questioning the training and practice at all levels of formal and non-formal, considering a comparative perspective, the role of educators and the mobilization of training knowledge in different socio-historical-cultural contexts and diversified clientele, also including contemporary debates, such as human rights and the environment. Discusses the theoretical and
methodological contributions of the disciplines that contribute to the understanding of the theme and issues of that line; It focuses in particular aspects related to conducting research of a more qualitative nature, considering its importance to the questioning of training and performance of educators.
II - Registration and selection for the Master of Education
- 1 - Registration for the Master of Education
Entries will be made in the Relationship Center in Annex Omicron (opposite the Main Gateway), Campus Rudge Ramos, Álfeu Tavares Street, 149 - Rudge Ramos - São Bernardo do Campo / SP, from 02 May to 10 June 2016 Monday to Friday from 8 am to 21h except holidays, by submitting the following documents:
a) 1 Photos 3x4;
b) Registration of Individuals (CPF) - 1 copy;
c) Identity Card (or OAB of Identity Card) and foreign applicants, the RNE - 1 copy;
d) Registration fee payment voucher in the amount of R $ 110.00 (one hundred and ten reais);
e) Curriculum Vitae - 1 copy;
f) duly registered Graduate Diploma - 01 certified copy.
- Diploma obtained abroad must be revalidated in Brazil, as relevant legislation.
g) Transcripts Graduation - 1 certified copy.
- Transcripts from abroad must be authenticated by the Brazilian consular authority in the country of origin of the documentation and the registered translation;
h) Copies of Scientific Production, such as research reports and articles of the past two years;
i) research project that aims to develop with a view to future dissertation (information in Annex B) - 03 copies.
registration form, duly completed and signed. - Form available on the link: inscricao/ficha_de_inscricao_2/view.
May sign up the diploma holders of higher education courses recognized by the MEC.
Applicants residing outside of São Paulo can register by registered mail, via Courier or by proxy, the model is available on the link: of- attorney / view, and the docket regarding the registration fee will be sent to the candidate upon receipt of documentation, by e-mail available on the "registration Form", with a deadline for payment.
In cases of application by registered mail, only applicants will be considered subscribers whose documentation and payment are settled within registration.
Place of submission of application documents: Academic Office of Graduate Studies - Campus Rudge Ramos - Beta Building - Sacramento Street, 230 - Rudge Ramos - São Bernardo do Campo - CEP: 09640-000.
II.2 - Inscription and Selection for Master of Education
The selection process for filling vacancies in the Program of Graduate Studies in Education, Master will be held in the period of 14 to 17 June 2016, as noted below steps:
a) Written test
b) proficiency exam in a foreign language in one of the following languages: English, French or Spanish.
c) Research Project Assessment submitted by the applicant in the registration
d) Evaluation of the Curriculum Vitae
e) Interview
The steps outlined above will be held at the Methodist University of São Paulo, CAPA Building, Campus Rudge Ramos, Plateau Street, 106 - Rudge Ramos - São Bernardo do Campo - SP, according to the following schedule / schedule:
Day 14.06.2016, Tuesday, from 9h to 17h
- 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 pm - Written test
- 14h00 - 17h00 - proficiency exam in a foreign language (English, French or Spanish)
the use of monolingual dictionary, provided by the applicant shall be allowed.
On completion of the written test, the candidate will enter the site only with the objects necessary for its realization: pen, pencil and eraser and must provide proof of identity. It will not be allowed to consult the materials such as books, articles, notes, and other materials, as well as the use of calculators or similar and communication devices such as pagers, mobile phones, intercoms, electronic organizers, electronic equipment, among others. The candidate who does not attend the written test will be considered dropouts.
Candidates for the Master of Education Program of Graduate Studies in Education at the School of Communication, Education and Humanities of the Methodist University of São Paulo should conduct the Proficiency Exams in a foreign language exclusively in the selection process by choosing one of the languages: English, Spanish , French or German. It shall be authorized, exclusive use of monolingual dictionary, provided by the applicant.
Applicants who have possibly participated in the previous selection process exclusively the Graduate Program in Education of the Methodist University of São Paulo, with a term of up to one year before the registration date, and have been approved as official information of the Secretariat of PPGE / METHODIST in collaboration with the Academic Office of Graduate Studies may apply solely upon registration, the use of this result, waiting for the Commission decision of Student Selection.
Foreign students will be able to proficiency exam in their mother tongue provided it integrates the choices offered and provided they meet the requirement of Proficiency Test in English Language (CELPE- BRAS). This exam is always held in April and October and the certificate has national validity.
The candidates in the program that are experiencing failure in foreign language knowledge may undergo further tests, no later than 01 (one) year from the date of commencement of academic activities, according to the planning done by the Program Board and published in the Academic Calendar METHODIST.
The candidates in the program that show insufficient knowledge of Portuguese for foreign applicants may undergo further tests (CELPE- BRAS), no later than 01 (one) year from the date of commencement of academic activities, second planning MEC.
It can be availed Proficiency Examination in a Foreign Language, held in recognized language schools. certificates issued by the following institutions or equivalent will be accepted:
- German: Goethe Institute - Intermediate *;
- Spanish: Miguel de Cervantes - Intermediate *:
- French: French Alliance - Intermediate *;
- English: Alumni (Level - Toffel *), English Culture (Level - Inglês Language of Service and Training (ELTS) * or First Certificate in Inglês (FCE) * Cultural Institute Brazil / USA - First Certificate in Inglês (FCE) *;
* Certificate equal to or greater
15 and 16.06.2016, Wednesday and Thursday, as scheduled by the Selection Committee:
- Interview with scheduled time, to be published in the Postgraduate Program Coordination in Education and / or PPGE page on the website of METHODIST, after the written test and the proficiency exam foreign language, since the absence of any such evidence configure candidate elimination.
- Evaluation of the Curriculum Vitae
- Assessment of the Research Project
At the time of the interview, candidates must submit an identity document. The candidate's absence on the day, time and place designated for the interview will be deemed withdrawn. The interview will consist of the submission concerning the research project, the candidate's curriculum vitae and publications. It will also address the expectations of the course and professional candidate's future.
WARNING: The candidates residing outside of the Greater São Paulo region, may have scheduling the interview set to avoid that makes two trips, as long as requested in advance to make arrangements.
II.3 - Publication of results: Day 20/06/2016
1) At the discretion of the Selection Committee Student the number of vacancies can be expanded or relocated between educational levels of the program and lines of research, according to the availability of vacancies of teachers / program advisors, enabling better care of suitable candidates .
The list of names of candidates classified will be posted on the website of the Graduate Program in Education, available on the website of METHODIST:
- Enrollment and selection for the Doctorate in Education
III.1 - Registration for the Doctorate in Education
Entries will be made in the Relationship Center in Annex Omicron (opposite the Main Gateway), Campus Rudge Ramos, Alpheus Street Tavares, 149 Rudge Ramos - São Bernardo do Campo / SP, from 02 May to 10 June 2016 Monday to Friday from 8 am to 21h except holidays, by submitting the following documents:
a) 1 photo 3x4;
b) Registration of Individuals (CPF) - 1 copy;
c) Identity card (or ID card OAB) and foreigners RNE - 1 copy;
d) Proof of payment of registration fee in the amount of R $ 110.00 (one hundred and ten reais);
e) Curriculum Vitae - 1 copy;
f) Master's Diploma, recognized by MEC, duly registered (for enrollment in PhD) - 1 certified copy.
- Diploma obtained abroad must be revalidated in Brazil, as relevant legislation.
g) Copies of Scientific Production, such as articles, book chapters or books, and copies of the Master Thesis, and a printed paper and a digital copy delivered recorded on CD-R or DVD-R;
(Will be returned to pass the selection process at the time of registration)
h) School of History Master - 1 certified copy
- Transcripts from abroad must be authenticated by the Brazilian consular authority in the country of origin of the documentation and the registered translation.
i) research project that aims to develop in the future thesis views; (Information in Appendix B); - 02 copies
registration form, duly completed and signed. Form available at the link: inscricao/ficha_de_inscricao_2/view
May enroll graduates in the area of the humanities and other areas, since their research projects are appropriate to the research lines and PPGE concentration area. The extraordinary cases will be examined by the Student Selection Commission.
Applicants residing outside of São Paulo can register by registered mail, via Courier or by proxy, the model is available on the link: of- attorney / view, and the docket regarding the registration fee will be sent to the candidate upon receipt of documentation, by e-mail provided in the registration Form, with a deadline for payment.
In cases of application by registered mail, only applicants will be considered subscribers whose documentation and payment are settled within registration.
Place of submission of application documents: Academic Office of Graduate Studies - Campus Rudge Ramos - Beta Building - Sacramento Street, 230 - Rudge Ramos - São Bernardo do Campo - CEP: 09640-000.
III.2 - selection for the Doctorate in Education
The selection process for filling vacancies in the Program of Graduate Studies in Education, PhD, has the following steps:
a) Written Test;
b) Proficiency Examination in foreign languages, in two of the following languages: English, Spanish, French or German. Foreign students will be able to proficiency exam in their mother tongue provided it integrates the choices offered and provided to carry out the CELPE-BRAS examination;
c) Research Project Assessment submitted by the applicant in the registration;
d) Evaluation of the Curriculum Vitae;
e) Interview.
a) Written Test:
On completion of the written test, the candidate will enter the module application site only with the objects necessary for its realization: pen, pencil and eraser. Therefore, during the course of the race will not be allowed to consult the materials such as books, articles, dictionaries, notes and any other analog or digital materials, being forbidden to use mobile device or like during the race.
b) Proficiency in a foreign language:
Applicants to the Doctorate in Education Program of Graduate Studies in Education at the School of Communication, Education and Humanities of the Methodist University of São Paulo should conduct the Proficiency Exams in a foreign language exclusively in the selection process by choosing two of the languages: English, Spanish , French or German. the use of monolingual dictionary, provided by the applicant shall be allowed.
Foreign students will be able to proficiency exam in their mother tongue provided it integrates the choices offered and provided they meet the requirement of Proficiency Test in English Language (CELPE- BRAS). This exam is always held in April and October and the certificate has national validity.
The candidates in the program that are experiencing failure in foreign language knowledge may be subject to further examination, no later than 01 (one) year from the date of commencement of academic activities, according to the planning done by the Board of the Program.
The candidates in the program that show insufficient knowledge of Portuguese for foreign applicants may undergo further tests (CELPE- BRAS), no later than 01 (one) year from the date of commencement of academic activities, second planning MEC.
It can be availed Proficiency Examination in a Foreign Language, held in recognized language schools. certificates issued by the following institutions or equivalent will be accepted:
- German: Goethe Institute - Intermediate *;
- Spanish: Miguel de Cervantes - Intermediate *:
- French: French Alliance - Intermediate *;
- English: Alumni (Level - Toffel *), English Culture (Level - Inglês Language of Service and Training (ELTS) * or First Certificate in Inglês (FCE) * Cultural Institute Brazil / USA - First Certificate in Inglês (FCE) *;
* Certificate equal to or greater
How requirement for the PhD proficiency verification in two foreign languages, the proficiency that has made the process of obtaining the degree for the Master may be utilized as one of the required languages and in then the candidate taking the exam selection in another language, different from the Master, since this integrates the options offered. This option should be informed on the registration form and the applicant must prove proficiency presenting this approval certification in the language held in Master recognized by MEC, upon registration.
Applicants who have possibly participated in the previous selection process exclusively the Graduate Program in Education of the Methodist University of São Paulo, with a term of up to one year before the registration date, and have been approved as official information of the Secretariat of PPGE / METHODIST in collaboration with the Academic Office of Graduate Studies may apply solely upon registration, the use of this result, waiting for the Commission decision of Student Selection.
c) Research Project Assessment submitted by the applicant in the application. This step is carried out by the Selection Committee and Student counselor / indicated by the candidate, complemented later in the interview.
d) Evaluation of the Curriculum Vitae. The applicant must have the Lattes updated and with supporting documentation available, if requested.
e) Interview with / teacher indicated / a as a mentor or advisor, by the applicant, upon registration. In a second step, in the case of teaching with remaining vague and considered good potential candidate, but whose nominated adviser has filled the vacancy with another candidate, you can make the candidate's referral to interview with another possible advisor.
III.3 - The schedule related to the Doctorate selection
The steps outlined above will be held at the Methodist University of São Paulo, CAPA Building, Campus Rudge Ramos, Plateau Street, 106 - Rudge Ramos - São Bernardo do Campo - SP, according to the following schedule / schedule:
Written test:
Doctorate, June 14, 2016, Tuesday, from 9am to 12pm Proficiency Examination in Language / s Foreign / s: Doctorate, June 14, 2016, Tuesday, from 14h to 17h
Place of Written Test, Proficiency Examination in Language / s Foreign
/ s Interview / s:
Campus Rudge Ramos - room to be announced for each event, the Secretariat and / or PPGE page on the website of METHODIST:
Doctorate 15 and June 16, 2016, Wednesday and Thursday.
Time: to be announced in coordination of the Graduate Program in Education Course and / or PPGE page on the website of METHODIST,
At the time of the interview, candidates must submit an identity document. The candidate's absence on the day, time and place designated for the interview will be deemed withdrawn. The interview will consist of the submission concerning the research project, the candidate's curriculum vitae and publications. It will also address the expectations of the course and professional candidate's future.
WARNING: The candidates residing outside of the Greater São Paulo region, may have scheduling the interview set to avoid that makes two trips, as long as requested in advance to make arrangements.
The Selection Committee Student after the candidate's project analysis considered approved in the written test, but not classified in the short list of the advisor appointed by him, may refer you to another interview with another advisor which already has jobs. In this case, candidates will be notified for new interview schedule. Taking into account the profile of the new guidance, the applicant must, if chosen, to adapt their research project.
Disclosure of the final result of the Selection Process: (
PhD: June 20, 2016.
The criteria Student Selection Commission the number of vacancies may be extended or
reassigned between educational levels of the program and lines of research according to availability of vacancies of teachers / mentors program, enabling better care of suitable candidates.
1) Applicants should arrive 15 minutes before the time indicated in the Written Test;
2) (s) interview (s) will be held according to the schedule posted on the Secretariat and / or PPGE page on the website of METHODIST:
III.4 - Disclosure
The teacher will send a list with the classification of successful candidates in the interview, including alternates, if any, to the Selection Committee Student and this will finalize the list of approved and program alternates will be published on the site PPGE.
Not the reasons are disclosed by which candidates were not classified, not be appealed in any stage of the selection process.
The final list of candidates ranked and alternate / suitable for special arrangements will be made available in PPGE page on the website of METHODIST:, on June 20, 2016.
IV - Registration for / as candidates / as approved / as the selection process, Master levels and Doctorate in Education
IV.1 - The Registration of Approved
Enrollment will be held in the Relationship Center in Annex Omicron (opposite the Main Gateway), Campus Rudge Ramos, Alfeu Tavares Street, 149 - Rudge Ramos - São Bernardo do Campo / SP, from 22 to 24 June 2016, from 8 am to 21h, and will be meeting with the Coordination of PPGE and faculty advisors on June 21, 2016, from 14h to 16h.
Successful applicants (Masters and PhD) must schedule time with their mentors, or the Program Coordination, to choice of subjects and signature on the registration form to execute the same. The form will be available on the Program Coordination.
The registration will become effective with the payment of the first installment of the six previous months (July 2016) at enrollment.
V - Proficiency in Portuguese (CELPE-BRAS) for foreigners:
It will be required of foreign students, in addition to the language required by the Program, the Proficiency Exam in Portuguese (CELPE- BRAS). This test is performed in the months of April and October and the certificate has national validity.
VI - failure in foreign language and in Portuguese:
Candidates qualified for admission who experience failure in foreign language knowledge, or Portuguese for foreign applicants may undergo further tests, no later than 01 (one) year from the beginning of academic activities, according to planning made by the Board of the Program.
VII - Final Provisions
The candidate ranked in the selection exam that does not make registration in the days set forth above will be considered dropouts. No appeal may be of any kind, once released the results of the selection process by the Student Selection Committee of the Graduate Program in Education of the Methodist University of São Paulo - UMESP.
Omissions or dubious interpretation relating to the selection process in question will be resolved by the Student Selection Committee of the Program of Graduate Studies in Education of the Methodist University of São Paulo - UMESP.
Unselected candidates or have been classified in the selection exam, but fail to make the registration within the prescribed period shall withdraw their documents delivered upon registration, during the month of August 2016. Completed this period, the Academic Secretariat Postgraduate no longer be responsible for the custody of them.
Any other information about the program may be obtained from the Relationship Center, by telephone: (0xx11) 4366-5000, email: or the Coordination of the Post-Graduate Education, by phone : (0xx11) 4366-5218, from 9.00 to 11.30 and from
14.00 to 16.30, or by e-mail:
São Bernardo do Campo, April 18, 2016. Profa. Dra. Roseli Fischmann
Coordinator of the Post-Graduate Education
Annex A: Bibliography Basic for Written Test - Master and Doctorate BIBLIOGRAPHY BASIC (MA, PhD)
ALVES, Maria Leila. Recomposing the fragmentation of educated knowledge: artistic languages in addressing the school formalism. International Journal d'Humanitats, v. 24, p. 17-28, 2012.
ANDRÉ, Marli. Ethnography of school practice. São Paulo: Papirus, 2005.
Azevedo, Adriana B ... Challenges of an inclusive and quality training in EAD. In: Azevedo, AB,
Josgrilberg, F. & LIMA, F .. (Eds.). Education and Technology at the University: Concepts and Practices. Education and Technology at the University: Concepts and Practices. 1ed.São Bernardo do Campo: Publisher of the Methodist University of São Paulo, in 2012.
BAHIA, Norinês Panicacci. School failure and the seclusion of the excluded. 1. ed. São Paulo: Cultural Alexa, 2012.
CUNHA, Luiz ACR. Education and Social Development in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro: Bookstore F. Alves Editora, 1975.
DURAN, Marilia CG. EMILIA FERREIRO: A conception of the development of writing in the child .. 1st. Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Voices, 2009.
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Appendix B: About the Research Project
This is a preliminary proposal for the preparation of the dissertation, in the case of Master and Thesis, in the case of PhD and indicate the candidate's interest in a particular topic, clearly related to one of the research lines of the Post Program Postgraduate Education. It is expected of candidates for the Doctorate in further education level as the theme definition and the domain field to be searched.
The project should include:
- title
- Author's name
- Research line and intended advisor
- Summary 5-10 lines and keywords
- Research Problem
- Goals
- chosen theme Rationale
- Assumptions
- Literature review
- Methodology
- Bibliographic references.
Obs .: The project should be typed in 1.5 space (one point), font 12 (twelve) should not exceed 15 pages, including references
Appendix C: Jobs for Faculty and Research Areas for the selection process for the 2nd Semester 2016
Research Line Master teaching Doctorate Total
Adriana Barroso Azevedo Teacher Training 1 1
Decius Azevedo Marques de Saes Policy and Educational Management 1-1
L. Jean Lauand Educator Training 2-2 Marcelo Furlin Educator Training 2-2
Norinês Panicacci Bahia Educator Training 1-1
Roger Marchesini Boards Souza Policy and Educational Management 1 1
Roseli Fischmann Policy and Educational Management - - - Rui de Souza Josgrilberg Educator Training - - -
Zeila Brito Fabri Demartini Educator Training - - - Total 7 1 8
Special student
special student is one who, undergraduate degree holder / duly registered master, falls in academic activities offered by the program, according to the rules of the Graduate stricto sensu of METHODIST Regulation.
The student condition Special Regime is admitted for two semesters, and students can attend up to two (2) subjects per semester, provided there is available space in pled discipline.
In the registration act of the following documents must be submitted:
Diploma duly registered (for enrollment in the Master) or Master's degree, duly registered (for enrollment in PhD) - 1 certified copy.
Identity Card or RNE (for foreigners) - 1 copy CPF - 1 copy
Curriculum vitae 1 picture 3 x 4
Students in special regime has no permanent link with the Graduate Stricto Sensu Program. If applying the examination of selection and were to be classified for a place in the Graduate stricto sensu program, may require next to the Relationship Center utilization of completed credits, which will be considered by the Board Program.
Additional information / questions / clarifications contact:
- Phone: 4366-5549 Monday to Friday from 8am to 22h
- E-mail:
Local delivery of documentation and completion of the registration: Methodist University of São Paulo
Relationship Center in Annex Omicron (opposite the Main Ordinance) - Campus Rudge Ramos
Alpheus Street Tavares, 149 - São Bernardo do Campo / SP, Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 21.30, except holidays
Post doctoral
The Graduate Program in Education has Education & Language Magazine, a biannual publication that publishes papers related to political and social education of their practices in multiple languages.
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