Postgraduate Regulations
Section I Purposes
Art. 1 The Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs, governed by pertinent Federal Law, by the Statute and General Rules of the Methodist University of São Paulo and by this Regulation, have the following purpose:
I - promote the in-depth scientific training of teachers and researchers for the development of high-level academic and professional activities;
II - to develop systematic studies and advanced research in the various areas of concentration;
III - stimulate scientific production. Section II
Deliberative and Executive Bodies
Art. 2 The following are deliberative and executive bodies: I - Program Collegiate;
II - Coordination of the Program.
Art. 3 The Collegiate of the Program is a deliberative body and consists of:
I - Coordinator of the Program, its President;
II - by at least 07 (seven) and at most 15 (fifteen) permanent teachers, elected by their peers, for a term of two (2) years, at the discretion of the Collegiate the definition of holders and substitutes;
III - by 02 (two) student representatives, with one (1) holder and one
(1) substitute, elected by their peers, for a one-year term in the case of the Master's degree;
IV - in the case of a Program with a PhD course, in addition to the representatives provided for in item III, other 02 (two) student representatives, being 01 (one) holder and one (01) substitute, elected by their peers, for a term of 01 one year.
Art. 4 The Program Collegiate is responsible for:
I - enforce the rules in this Regulation and ensure compliance;
II - observe, in its deliberations, the norms existing in the General Regulations of UMESP and watch over their fulfillment.
III - to observe the guidelines of the development agencies responsible for the formulation of postgraduate policies, which work in the formation of human resources and in the incentive to research;
IV - prepare, evaluate or propose changes to the program proposal;
V - define the academic activities that grant credits when preparing the program proposal;
VI - analyze and approve the menu and bibliography of the disciplines of the Program;
VII - define and implement strategies for insertion, participation and productivity of teachers in the Program;
VIII - analyze and propose actions that respond to the topics indicated in the official evaluations;
IX - to encourage teaching, research and extension activities in its area of knowledge, promoting, coordinating and supervising their execution;
X - permanently evaluate the development and results of teaching, research and extension;
XI - collaborate with the academic bodies of the Institution;
XII - establish norms for the elaboration of research projects of the Program;
XIII - to approve the appointment of professors to form examining board for the Qualification Exam, Dissertation Presentation and Thesis Defense;
XIV - approve the professors of the Program who can guide the students in the development and elaboration of the dissertation or thesis;
XV - to examine and decide on the request for re-examination of the Collegiate decision;
XVI - examining and deciding on requests from the student body;
XVII - to subsidize the Program Coordinator in the processes of selection, promotion, licensing and dismissal of teachers, in accordance with the General Regulations and the Teaching Career and Salary Plans of the Methodist;
XVIII - to consider and decide on the acts of the Coordinator of the Program practiced ad referendum;
XIX - to carry out other duties delegated to it by the organs of the Superior Administration;
XX - to promote the evaluation of teachers of the Program.
Art. 5 The Program Collegiate meets at least two (2) times per semester and, extraordinarily, upon convocation by the Program Coordinator or by 2/3 (two thirds) of its members, and must be included in the convocation of the agenda Of the issues to be addressed.
Art. 6 The Coordination of the Program, executive body of the Program is carried out by a Coordinator.
Art. 7º The Coordinator of the Program is responsible for:
I - to apply and enforce the norms existing in the General Regiment of the Methodist and watch over them;
II - apply and enforce the rules in this Regulation and ensure compliance;
III - exercise disciplinary power in accordance with the General Rules of the Methodist;
IV - to comply with and enforce, within the scope of the Program, all legal decisions and norms issued by competent official and institutional bodies;
V - to convene and preside over the meetings of the Program Collegiate, with voting right of quality;
VI - forward to the higher instances of the Methodist the proposal of the program, as well as any changes approved by the Program Collegiate;
VII - represent the Program before the authorities and organs of the Methodist;
VIII - provide the competent organ with the subsidies for the organization of the academic calendar;
IX - to elaborate the schedule of classes and activities of the Program; X - guide, coordinate and supervise the activities of the Program;
XI - supervise the observance of the school system and the fulfillment of the programs and teaching plans, as well as the execution of the other Coordination projects;
XII - inform the Director of the Faculty about the progress of the activities developed in the Program;
XIII - prepare, within the deadlines set by the competent bodies, a report on the activities of the Program;
XIV - submit to the Director of the Faculty subsidies for preparation of the budget proposal of the Program;
XV - to participate in the selection, promotion, licensing and dismissal of teachers, in accordance with the General Regulations and the Teaching Career and Salary Plans of the Methodist;
XVI - to plan and administer the academic activities of the Program, complying with and enforcing the provisions of these Regulations and the norms pertinent to them;
XVII - to exercise the attributions provided for in the General Regiment and those attributed to it by the organs of the Superior and Intermediate Administration of the Methodist;
XVIII - guide the didactic-scientific activities pertinent to the Program;
XIX - to decide on student requirements related to matters for which it has a delegation and to refer the other cases to the assessment and deliberation of the Program Collegiate;
XX - stimulate and maintain contacts and understandings with national and foreign organizations interested in fostering the development of postgraduate programs;
XXI - stimulate understanding with Higher Education and Research Institutions, aiming at scientific, cultural, teaching and technical exchange;
XXII - to promote scientific events related to the production of the Program.
Section I
Didactic-Academic Organization
Art. 8 The didactic-academic organization of the Program consists of the set of activities defined by its Collegiate in the proposal of the program.
Art. 9º The proposal of the program must contain, consistently and coherently with the evaluation standards of the national postgraduate system:
I - objectives;
II - area (s) of concentration; III - lines of research;
IV - research projects;
V - curricular structure, specifying the compulsory and optional academic activities that grant credits and are subject to evaluation, and academic activities that only confer credits.
Section II Academic Degrees
Art. 10 The academic degrees conferred by the Stricto Sensu Programs are:
I - Master (Academic and Professional)
II - Doctor
Single paragraph. The diploma conferring the respective degree will be issued with the indication of the concentration area in which the student was titled.
Art. 11 To obtain the degree of Master, the student must meet the following requirements:
I - demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language; In the language of sacred texts when applicable;
II - fulfill, with approval, the credits defined in the proposal of the Program;
III - obtain approval in the Qualification Exam;
IV - obtain approval in the Presentation of the Dissertation.
Art. 12 To obtain the degree of Doctor, the student must meet the following requirements:
I - demonstrate proficiency in foreign languages; In the language of sacred texts when applicable;
II - fulfill, with approval, the credits defined in the proposal of the Program;
III - obtain approval in the Qualification Exam; IV - obtain approval in the Defense of Thesis.
Single paragraph. The delivery of the diploma is subject to the protocol of the final version, complying with the requirements of § 3 of Art. 35.
Section III Credits
Art. 13 The academic activities necessary to obtain the academic degree are expressed in units of credit.
Single paragraph. The unit of credit corresponds to 15 (fifteen) hours / class.
Art. 14 The student must complete at least 30 (thirty) credits for the Master and 48 (forty eight) credits for the PhD in academic activities, taking into account the requirements of each Program.
Single paragraph. Of the total credits required, at least 70% (seventy percent) must be fulfilled in the Program itself.
Section IV
Credit Utilization
Art. 15 The regular student may require the use of credits made in Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs, recognized by the MEC, and must present the following documents:
I - original document issued by the institution of origin, containing the teaching plan of the discipline and the title of the teacher-in-charge, the hours of the course and the final concept clearly indicating approval in the discipline.
Paragraph 1. The utilization of credits referred to in the caput of this article will be decided, after examination of each case, by the Program Collegiate.
Paragraph 2. In the case of an incomplete Master's Degree, students may have equivalence of up to 12 (twelve) credits in disciplines, when carried out in the period up to 05 (five) years, and up to 09 (nine) credits in disciplines, when performed In a period superior to 05 (five) years.
Paragraph 3. In the case of a Doctorate not completed, students may have the equivalence of up to 18 (eighteen) credits in disciplines, when carried out in the period up to 05 (five) years, and up to 15 (fifteen) credits in disciplines, when performed In a period exceeding five (5) years.
Art. 16 The regular student may require the use of credits obtained in Graduate Programs of Foreign Institutions, and must present the following documents:
I - school record issued by the institution of origin containing the hours of the subject to be used and the concept clearly indicating the student's approval;
II - the title of the teacher-in charge of the discipline, together with the teaching plan of the same;
III - the documentation must be authenticated by the competent Brazilian consular authority in the country of origin, in addition to being translated into Portuguese by a sworn translator.
Section V Deadlines
Art. 17 The student will have a minimum term of 12 (twelve) and a maximum of 24 (twenty four) months, to deposit in the Postgraduate Secretariat the final version of his dissertation.
Art. 18 The student will have a minimum period of 24 (twenty four) and a maximum of 48 (forty eight) months, to deposit in the Postgraduate Department the final version of his thesis.
Art. 19 The presentation of the dissertation or the defense of the thesis will take place in public session before the examining board.
Single paragraph. The presentation of the dissertation and the defense of the thesis will be carried out in a period not exceeding 60 (sixty) days from the date of the constitution of the Examining Bank by the Program Collegiate.
Section VI
Extension of Deadlines
Art. 20 To the student approved in the Qualification Exam, it is allowed to request an extension of the deadline for the delivery of a thesis or dissertation, within 90 (ninety) days before the expiration of the period of validity, with justification explaining the inescapable difficulties that Development of its research within the regulatory deadline, along with the timeline with forecast of completion, as well as the opinion of the advisor, for appreciation by the Collegiate.
§ 1º Based on the justification presented, in accordance with the opinion of the teacher-supervisor, the Program Collegiate will decide on the authorization or not of the requested term.
Paragraph 2. The extension shall begin in the month following the expiration of the student's term of office.
Paragraph 3 - The presentation of the dissertation and the defense of the thesis must occur no later than 06 (six) months, after the expiration of the period of validity.
Paragraph 4 - The Program Collegiate is granted an extension of time, the student must enroll immediately and exclusively in the orientation activity until delivery of the text to be submitted to the Examining Bank at the Postgraduate Secretariat, respecting the extension period defined by the Collegiate from the program.
Section VII
Number of vacancies
Article 21 The number of places offered in each Program shall be fixed considering the proportion of the teaching time available in the Program and the guidelines issued by the higher bodies of the Methodist and CAPES.
Section VIII Teacher advisor
Art. 22 The orientation of dissertation and thesis should be carried out by a professor holding a doctorate degree and a member of the Faculty of the Program.
Paragraph 1 - To the Professor-Advisor, selected among the teachers who are part of the Program and approved by the Collegiate of the same, it is advisable to guide the student in the development and elaboration of the dissertation or thesis.
Paragraph 2 - In no case, the orientation of a teacher who has up to the third degree of kinship with a student of the program will be allowed.
Section IX Evaluation
Art. 23 For activities that are subject to evaluation according to the program proposal, the following concepts should be used:
I - A - Excellent - 9.0 to 10.0 II-B-Good - 8.0 to 8.9
III - C - Regular - 7.0 to 7.9
IV - D - Insufficient - less than 7,0
§ 1º The concepts A, B, C with minimum frequency of 75%, grant approval, giving right to the corresponding credits.
Paragraph 2 - Situations that do not allow the assignment of a definitive concept will be expressed by the letter "E" and indicate pending issues that must be solved within a maximum period of 01 (one) month, from its publication.
§ 3º Pending not resolved within the period indicated in the previous paragraph will automatically lead to the concept "D".
§ 4 After the publication of the concepts, the student will have 01 (one) month to request the revision of the evaluation results and frequency of the courses taken in that semester.
Section X
Art. 24 Failure to perform credit and evaluation activities may occur in the occurrence of one or more of the following situations:
I - frequency of less than 75% of the workload present in the academic activity, not being entitled to the corresponding credits and workload.
II - obtaining the concept D, which does not grant credits, although the activity appears in the school history.
Paragraph 1 - The student who fails in up to two activities that grant credits and evaluation may retake them, in order to replace them in his / her school record, being entitled to the corresponding credits in case of approval and minimum frequency of 75%.
§ 2 The activities that grant credit are subject to proof of the frequency of 75%.
Section XI Shutdown
Article 25 The termination of the student of the Program to which he is linked may occur in the occurrence of one or more of the following situations:
I - to stop enrolling regularly, in each term, within the deadline established in the Academic Calendar of Graduate Programs;
II - not return to the course within the regular term of enrollment of the semester subsequent to the period of locking;
III - be denied three or more academic activities that confer credit and evaluation;
IV - not submit within 1 (one) year proficiency of foreign language, language of sacred texts when applicable or Portuguese language for foreigners;
V - disapprove, twice, in the Qualification Exam;
VI - disapprove in the Presentation of the Dissertation or Defense of the Thesis;
VII - at the request of the interested party;
VIII - fail to comply with any activity or requirement within the regimental deadlines;
IX - use of ideological falsehood in the presentation of documents and information about him.
X - use of plagiarism proven by report of the Commission of Sindicância;
XI - insufficient academic performance, decided by the Program Collegiate, observing the following procedures:
A) The supervisor must communicate the unsatisfactory situation regarding his / her academic performance to the Coordination of the Program, in a written and duly substantiated report;
B) The student will be notified by the Coordination of the Program with the consent of the advisor;
C) After hearing the student, the supervisor will propose a timetable with a fixed term, indicating the activities to be carried out and the results to be achieved;
D) After this period, the advisor will issue a new evaluation opinion to the Coordination of the Program;
E) In the event of insufficiency, the Coordination refers the matter to the Program Collegiate for final decision making.
§ 1 The semester report, prepared by the supervisor, with the student's science, will be filed in his academic record, next to the Postgraduate Secretariat.
§ 2 The return of the disconnected student will only take place through a new selection process.
Section XII Qualification exam
Art. 26 The Qualification Exam includes the evaluation of the student's academic life report and the dissertation project or thesis.
Art. 27 The Qualification Examination will be held before an examining board composed of 03 (three) professors holding the doctor's degree, being indicated and presided over by the professor-supervisor.
Single paragraph. The request for a Qualification Examination can only be sent to the Program Collegiate with the approval of the Teacher- Advisor, which is expressed through its own form.
Art. 28 The application for a Qualification Examination may only be submitted to the Collegiate of the Program with the consent of the Professor-Advisor, who expresses himself through his own form.
Single paragraph. The participation of relatives up to the third degree of the counselor, the counselor and the other members of the examining bank mentioned in the caput of this article will not be allowed.
Art. 29 The result of the Qualification Examination is expressed through an approved or failed concept.
Art. 30 Students who receive a concept that is not approved in the Qualification Examination may be retested within a period of no more than six (6) months, counting from the date of the first exam, after the teacher's Periods established by Articles 18 and 19 of this Regulation.
Art. 31 For enrollment in the Qualification Examination the student should:
I - demonstrate proficiency in 01 (one) foreign language for master's degree and 02 (two) for doctorate, respecting the specificities of each program;
II - have successfully completed all credits in subjects required by the Program;
III - present 04 (four) copies of the research project according to the norms established by the Program Collegiate.
Art. 32 Exceptionally and subject to the following criteria, the Examining Board of the Qualification Examination may recommend to the Program Collegiate the student's examination directly to the doctorate (Direct Doctorate), in the following situations:
I - Upon request of the interested party through a specific form provided by the Postgraduate Secretariat;
II - When the quality of the project and the erudition of the student in front of the Examining Bank so recommend it;
III - Based on the advisor's opinion, based on the student's proven scientific output and Curriculum Lattes.
§ 1 The decision to recommend the student to the Direct Doctorate shall be taken by unanimous decision of the Examining Bank.
Paragraph 2. The Examining Bank shall formally forward its decision to the Program Coordinator, who shall submit it for analysis to the Program Collegiate.
§ 3º If the student is in favor of the recommendation of the student to the Direct Doctorate, the Program Collegiate will request the opinion of a teacher outside the Institution regarding the quality of the project, the relevance of the scientific production and the professional experience of the student.
Paragraph 4. The external reviewer shall forward his opinion to the Program Collegiate, which shall issue a conclusive opinion.
Paragraph 5 - The final decision on the application for a Direct Doctorate must be issued within a period of no more than 60 (sixty) days, counted from the Qualification Examination of the Masters mentioned in the main section of this article.
Art. 33 The transition to the Doctorate, understood as level of change, nobody up to the 18th (eighteenth) month as of the entry into the Masters, and will be effective in the subsequent six months to the approval.
Art. 34 of the Fellows promoted early CAPES and directly from the doctoral master's degree, in addition to respecting the provisions of this Regulation shall submit to the specific provisions of this funding agency.
section XIII Dissertation and Thesis
Art. 35 For the presentation of dissertation or defense of the thesis, and obtained the relevant Teacher-Advisor authorization in specific form, the student will submit to the Department of Postgraduate, 03 (three) text copies to be submitted to Examining, in the case of Master and five (05) copies, in the case of PhD.
§ 1. The student must deliver new printed copy in case of participation of a substitute teacher in the examination board.
§ 2. Both the thesis as the thesis should be written in Portuguese, containing mandatory summaries in two languages: Portuguese and English, or in English with abstract in Portuguese.
§ 3. After the presentation of the dissertation and the defense of the thesis, the student will have sixty (60) days to deposit the final version of the text adopted in the Graduate Department in 03 (three) copies printed, according to the ABNT or equivalent, bound in hardcover royal blue, and other requirements of certain programs in specific legislation.
§ 4. The final approved text of the dissertation and thesis include the Examining Board of the recommendations specified in the form itself.
§ 5 It is the Teacher-Advisor overseeing the merger of the Examining Committee recommendations in the final text of the dissertation or thesis, which certifies the relevant document by signature.
§ 6. With the printed copies the student must deposit at the Postgraduate Department the same text in digital media, in single file and in Word format, recorded on cd-rom.
§ 7. Immediately upon receipt of the final copies, the student must complete the Authorization Form for Publication of the dissertation or thesis in Electronic Digital Library of UMESP.
Art. 36 Disclosure Notice of dissertation presentation and thesis defense will be prepared by the Secretariat of the Graduate Program to which the student is bound and posted on their bulletin boards for at least fifteen (15) days preceding the date of submission of thesis or dissertation defense.
Art. 37 The examination board assessment of Master's dissertation will consist of three (03) members doctors holders, one of UMESP and external to UMESP, and Doctoral thesis by five (05) members doctors holders, two of UMESP and two outside the UMESP, to be appointed and chaired by the teacher-supervisor and approved by the Board of the Program.
§ 1. The examiner will, in addition to the holders, 01 (one) alternate member internal and one external to the master's and two (02) Internal alternate members and two (02) external to the doctorate.
§ 2 will not be allowed the participation of relatives to the third degree of guiding, the guide and the other members in the examination boards assessment of the dissertation and thesis.
§ 3 student is allowed to request the replacement of the name of a member of the examination board within a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days from the date of constitution of the board of examiners by the Board of the Program.
I - The request must be submitted in writing directly to the respective Program Coordination.
§ 4. Failing the advisor chairing the examination board, the Program Board will indicate ad hoc presidency.
Art. 38 Closed session public presentation of the dissertation or thesis defense, the examining committee will meet privately to each examiner express your evaluation.
§ 1 The assessment made by the examiners is expressed by the concepts: Approval with Commendation - Summa Cum Laude; Pass or Fail.
§ 2. With regard to the situation of Approval with Commendation - Summa Cum Laude, the end result will be determined by unanimity banking.
§ 3 Approved and Fail concepts may be assigned by the majority of banks.
Art. 39 will automatically shut down the program the student who does not attend the date previously fixed for qualifying exam, dissertation presentation or thesis defense and not present in the 48- hour period, written justification demonstrating the emergency that prevented his presence.
Single paragraph. The justifications will be assessed by the Program Coordination which, if accepted, will mark new date for the examinations.
Section I Selective process
Art. 40 The selection process will begin with the Notice, to be drafted by the Programs and should include the following information:
I - Area (s) concentration; II - Line (s) research;
III - Number of vacancies; IV - Faculty;
V - Candidate Profile;
VI - Location, dates, times and procedures for registration; VII - Documentation required;
VIII - Location, dates, times and stages of selection; IX - Place and date of publication of the results;
X - enrollment dates;
XI - Attachments: Bibliography, Roadmap for development of the research project.
Section II Inscription
Art. 41 For registration in the selection process the applicant must submit diploma and history as follows, and other documents described in the Student Selection Notice.
I - duly registered Diploma and Master's diploma, issued by institutions with the Graduate Program Stricto Sensu recognized by MEC, duly registered;
II - Transcript issued by foreign institution must be certified by the Brazilian competent consular authority in the country of origin of the documents, and translated into Portuguese by a sworn translator;
Single paragraph. foreign diplomas will only be accepted if properly revalidated in Brazil, as relevant legislation.
Section III Selection
Art. 42 The selection of candidates will be done according to defined criteria in each program specified in the Student Selection Notice, may include analysis and evaluation of:
I - Lattes;
II - Research project submitted by the applicant in the registration;
III - Written test;
IV - Proficiency in language (s) foreign (s); V - Interview.
§ 1 The discretion of the Graduate Program can be availed Proficiency Examination in a Foreign Language, with the candidate present, upon registration, a certificate issued by duly accredited school or Graduate program stricto sensu recognized by MEC.
§ 2. Of the foreign students will be required in addition to the (s) language (s) required (s) by the Program, the examination of proficiency in Portuguese (CELPE-BRAS).
§ 3 Candidates admitted to the program, with shortcomings in the proficiency of evidence in a foreign language, or sacred text language, should resolve it within 01 (one) year from the date of commencement of academic activities, according the timing of each program.
§ 4 Foreign applicants admitted to the program will have a maximum period of 01 (one) year to prove proficiency in Portuguese, through CELPE-BRAS examination, according to the relevant legislation.
Section IV Registration
Art. 43 The registration must take place obligatorily in each semester, within the deadlines established in the Academic Calendar of Graduate Programs.
Art. 44 The student must be enrolled in Master's Thesis or guidance as to complete the final work of dissertation or thesis.
Single paragraph. The student can only enroll in Dissertation or Thesis Guidance with the opinion of the teacher-advisor.
Art. 45 The applicant ranked in the selection exam that does not make registration within the deadline set by the Academic Calendar Graduate programs will be considered dropouts.
Art. 46 will be allowed simultaneous enrollment in courses offered in two (02) Master's courses or Methodist doctorate under the following conditions:
I - the discipline to be cursada should be relevant to the topic of the dissertation or thesis to be addressed by the student;
II - the chosen discipline should have availability.
§ 1 The simultaneous registration does not generate additional cost to the student.
§ 2 The application, signed by the student and the advisor with favorable opinion, will be sent to the Graduate Program Coordinator, which is linked to the desired subject, for approval, which will have the consent of the teacher responsible for the respective discipline.
Art. 47 will not be allowed to register as an audit student, no matter what the excuse is.
Section V
Locking and Registration Suspension
Art. 48 is provided to the student the enrollment locking, with full cessation of academic activities in the program for one (01) semester, upon justification, opinion of the mentor and science of its Board.
Art. 49 The registration of locking request will only take effect after the student has completed at least one (01) semester in the program and in the last half of regimental term only if it has been approved in the Qualifying Exam.
Single paragraph. The student failed the qualifying exam can only request locking registration after submitting to successfully re- examination.
Art. 50 The locking period does not extend the deadline for completion set for each course.
Art. 51 is provided to the student require discontinuation of enrollment in a course, for once, since it is registered in more than one discipline.
Section VI Special diet
Art. 52 may be accepted for registration in the Program subjects as students in special regime, applicants who submit copies of the registered undergraduate degree and Master's diploma, issued by institutions with the Graduate Program Stricto Sensu recognized by MEC duly registered, lattes curriculum, 01 3x4 photo and identity card or RNE (for foreigners).
§ 1 The student condition Special Regime is admitted for two semesters.
§ 2 The student special regime can attend a maximum of 02 (two) subjects by semester, preferably elective, subject to availability of vacancy in pled discipline.
§ 3 The student special regime assumes the same duties of regular students under (s) subject (s) to attend.
§ 4. If the student Special Regime compete and were to be qualified for a place in Stricto Sensu Program may require the use of credits previously concluded, the Board the discretion of each Program.
section VII Doctorate Direct
Art. 53 The student approved for Direct PhD must: I - I meet all academic requirements for the PhD;
II - perform their proficiency examination in a second foreign language within sixty (60) days from the effective entry into the PhD program.
§ 1 The use of credits made in the Master will be decided by the Board of the Program.
§ 2. The student will have a maximum of sixty (60) months from the date of entry into the Masters, to fund the Graduate Secretariat the final version of his thesis.
§ 3. The student with pending proficiency proof of the second foreign language, should resolve it within 01 (one) year from the date of knowledge of failure result in the exam.
Art. 54 The Rector may establish additional rules for the purpose of operation of Graduate Programs Stricto Sensu also solving omissions or dubious interpretation.
Art. 55 Specific cases will be handled by the Collegiate Programs and approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, through Administrative Act.
Specific Rules of the Graduate Program in Education