Curricular structure
As the decision obtained at Board Meeting of PósCom of 24/11/2010, the assembly of credits in the program shall be set as follows:
- Minimum credit courses with 21 credits in courses (*)
- Claims on scheduled activities 5 (assigned by the supervisor)
- Credits orientation of the dissertation 4 (assigned by the supervisor) Total: 30
Explanation of the above:
- Are at least seven (7) courses to be attended - (*) Among these, the Masters students must complete the required courses of the Master;
- In the Scheduled Activities, credits will be awarded for the activities carried out within the course of the period and will be defined by the supervisor referring to: published articles; participation in conferences; papers produced; organization and participation in seminars; conducting courses, internships and / or tutoring and others. Both in the credits granted in the Scheduled activities as those with Master's guidance, the supervisor shall specify the activity and mode where credit is being given. Simple copies of certificates and the report of activities must be delivered within thirty days before the dissertation of deposit at the Registry of Graduate Studies.
- Claims by the orientation of the dissertation (studies, responsibility, diligence and care guidelines) will be allocated during the course and before the public presentation of the dissertation. Remember that the act itself of qualification and the presentation will not receive credits;
- Previous credits with Masters courses up to 21 credits
- credits in subjects 12 credits in courses (**)
- Credits in scheduled activities 8
- Credits guidance of the thesis 4
- thesis Seminar 3 Total: 48
Explanation of the above:
1 - In the case of Master completed in own Methodist Graduate Program, students will have the equivalence for the Doctorate at most 21 (twenty-one) credits in courses. The equivalence out of this condition is limited to 15 credits.
2 - There are at least four (4) subjects to be routed - (**) Among these, the PhD students must complete the required courses in the PhD;
3 - In the Scheduled Activities, credits will be awarded for the activities carried out within the course of the period and will be defined by the supervisor referring to: published articles; participation in conferences; papers produced; organization and participation in seminars; conducting courses, internships and / or tutoring and others. Both in the credits granted in the Scheduled Activities, Thesis Seminar and Thesis Guidance, the supervisor shall specify the activity and mode where credit is being given. Simple copies of certificates and the report of activities shall be delivered up to thirty days prior to the thesis deposit in the Department of Graduate Studies.
4 - The credits for the guidance of the thesis (studies, responsibility, diligence and care guidelines) will be allocated during the course and before the public presentation of the defense. Remember that the act itself of qualification and the presentation will not receive credits;
5 - The thesis seminar will be presented by the student individually 4-6 months before the delivery of the thesis. In this scientific activity, the student must organize and present the achievements and contributions of their research / thesis in the form of seminar.
Communication and marketing in postmodernity Kleber Markus
Prof. Dr. Kleber Markus
Research line: marketing communication and Institutional COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING IN POST-MODERN EMENTA
It discusses the major marketing transformation from post-modernity and the imminent abandonment of dichotomous actions in organizations. Develops a systemic perspective of Marketing and
Communications with an emphasis on theory inputs, throughputs and outputs, with the convergent and divergent character between marketing, administrative and institutional communications, formatting Organizational Communication. It presents a specific study on integrated communication, and its three Cartesian dimensions.
Connects the theoretical bases of communication to marketing exploitation models.
Provide the student a systemic and critical of the communication issues and market. Discuss interferences between Marketing, Communication and Sales.
lectures, cases analysis and student seminars. EVALUATION
Preparation of Papers / Seminars (p7) and thematic contribution lecture (p3)
PROGRAM (15 meetings)
- Conceptual Analysis of Marketing and Communication from the global transformations: Industrial Revolution and the Digital Revolution. (Slides Introductory);
- The Fallacy of Globalization. (A1 civilizations The crash, Samuel Huntington objective, 1996, p-65/94); (A2 Saturation, Michel Maffesoli, Iluminuras, 2010, p-31/43); (A3 Management MKT and Communication, MHYanaze, 2007 Saraiva, p-433/443););
- Theory 3Puts. (A4 Management MKT and Communication, MHYanaze, 2007 Saraiva, p-45/51);
- Integrated Communication 3D - the z axis. (A5 Corporate Communications and marketing, Kleber Markus Org Daniel Galindo, UMESP, 2012, p-31 /. 64);
- market positioning and Brand Positioning - Global Branding. (A6 MKT Global Warren J. Keegan, Pearson, 2000, p-105/127);
- Pricing and Non-Market (Slides);
- Analysis of Demands and macro environments. (A7 MKT Administration Philp Kotler, Prentice Hall, 2000, p-158/177);
- Attack and Defense Strategies. (A8 Strategy Competitive Positioning and MKT, Nigel Piercy et al, Prentice Hall, 2001, p-297/309);
- Instrumentation: MCP;
- Instrumentation: SWOT;
- Application MCP / SWOT;
- Instrumentation: MCP;
- Returnable of Papers, evaluation seminars and closures. BIBLIOGRAPHY
Berrigan, John. Segmentation Marketing. São Paulo: Makron Books, 1994
BOONE, Louis & KURTZ, David. Contemporary Marketing. Rio de Janeiro: LTC 1998.
GALINDO, Daniel org. Institutional and marketing communication, UMESP 2012.
DUPAS, Gilberto. Ethics and Power in the Information Society. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2001.
Hooley, G. & SAUNDERS, J. Competitive Positioning. São Paulo: Makron 1996.
HUNTINGTON, Samuel. The Clash of Civilizations. São Paulo: Objective 1996.
Kotler, Philip. Marketing management: analysis, planning, implementation and control. São Paulo: Prentice Hall, 2000.
Kotler, Philip. Marketing for the XXI Century. São Paulo: Futura, 1999.
Kunsch, Daisy MK Planning Public Relations in Integrated Communication. São Paulo: Summus, 2003.
Lamb, Charles & HAIR, Joseph & DANIEL, Carl. Marketing principles. São Paulo: A pioneer Thomson Learning, 2004.
Lupetti, Marcélia. Communication Planning. São Paulo: Futura, 2000. MAFFESOLI, Michel. Saturation. São Paulo, Illuminations, 2010.
NUNO VAZ, Gil. Institutional Marketing: the market of ideas and images. São Paulo: Pioneering 1995.
PORTER, Michael E. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 1991.
SAMARA, Beatriz & BARROS, José C .. Marketing Research. Sao Paulo: 3rd. Issue arrest Hall, 2002.
SAMARA, Beatriz & MORSCH, Marco A. Consumer Behavior. São Paulo: Prentice Hall, 2005.
SANDHUSEN, Richard L ... Marketing Basic. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2003.
SCHULTZ, Don E..O New Paradigm Marketing. São Paulo: Makron 1994.
Semenik, R. & Bamossy, G. Principles of Marketing: a global perspective. São Paulo: Makron 1995.
TORQUATO, Gaudêncio. Treaty of Organizational and Political Communication. São Paulo: A pioneer Thomson Learning, 2004.
Yanaze, Mitsuru H. Management Marketing and Communication: advances and applications. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2012.
. Management Marketing and Communication: advances and applications. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2007.
Communication, community and social movements
M. cicilia Krohling Peruzzo
Period: 2nd half of 2016 - Credits: 3 (three) SCHOOL PLAN
I - Summary:
community concepts: from classics to current events. virtual communities and social networks. Territories, communities and non- places. Culture and identities. Latin American conceptions of horizontal communication. Intersections and specificities between popular Community and alternative communication. Communication for the "development". Local development and cibercultur @ theoretical .Fundamentos of Citizenship conceptions. population levels of participation in community communication and local development. Community Radio in Brazil and Latin America. Community television.
Approximations of the fundamentals and communication methodologies for social transformation to professional practice of public relations, journalism and advertising in the context of communities.
II - Objectives:
- Analyze the concepts of community from the classics and their reworkings
- To study the interrelationships between community communication, local media and development in the network society context.
- Make a brief retrospective of popular communication and alternative conceptions in Latin America and discuss their current manifestations.
- To provide an understanding of the communication processes and its relations with the expansion of citizenship
- To understand the communication in the context of social movements and transformations favored by technological development.
III - Syllabus:
- community concepts: local territorial communities to virtual, aesthetic and choice communities
- Territories, communities, cultural identities and not places
- Origins and changes in communication concepts for the "development"
- Community communication, educational communication and local development
- Social Movements and recent public demonstrations in Brazil and in Europe in the post "Arab Spring"
- Brief history of popular social movements in Brazil
- Communication within the context of social movements in Brazil: the other communication in its political and cultural aspects in each season
- Intersections and differences between popular and communication, community, alternative press and local media
- virtual social networks and collaborative alternative communication network
- Press alternative public demonstrations and reflections in the discussion about journalism
- Theoretical foundations of citizenship concepts
- Arrangements for popular participation in the media
- Radio and Community television in Brazil and other Latin American countries
- Community public relations and advertising in the third sector: approaches.
- @ Cibercutur and Local Knowledge Emerging Communities TEACHING STRATEGIES
lectures, debates based on scheduled readings, individual studies and group use of printed and audiovisual resources, bibliographic and documentary.
Participation in class, reading and preparation of paper on student interest theme.
Castells, M. networks indignación y Esperanza. Madrid: Alianza, 2012.
GOLDSMITH, Marshall. Global Comunicaciones and choice communities. HESSELBEIN, French; Goldsmith, Marshall; Beckhard, Richard; SCHUBERT, Richard F. (Eds.) The future of the community. São Paulo: Futura, 2001. p.120-127.
PERUZZO, Cicilia MK; Tufte T .; See, J. (Edits.) Trazos Comunicación en otra de una Latin America:. COMMUNITY practices, theories y Socio demands. Barranquilla-Colombia / Aracaju, Brazil: Ediciones UNINORTE - Universidad del Norte / ALAIC, 2011. Available at: gratuito/trazos_comunicacion/index.html
AGAMBEN, Giorgio. The community that comes. Translation Antonio Guerreiro. Lisbon: Presence, 1993.
ALVAREZ, Sonia E .; DAGNINO, Evelina; Escobar, Arturo (Eds.). The cultural and political social movement in Latin America. In: . Culture and politics in Latin American social movements. Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 2000. p. 15-57.
Antoun, Henry (ed.). WEB 2.0 - participation and surveillance in the era of distributed communication. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad, 2008.
PEEK, Marc. Non-places: an introduction to an anthropology of supermodernidade.7.ed.
Campinas: Papirus, 2008.
BAHIA, Lilian M. Community Radios: social mobilization in the reconfiguration of the public sphere. Belo Horizonte: Authentic 2008.
BARBALHO, A .; FUSER, COGO B., D. (Eds.). Communication and citizenship. Fortaleza: Demócrito Rocha 2011.
Bauman, Zygmunt. Community: the search for security in today's world. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2003.
Castells, Manuel. The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture - Power of Identity. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 1999. v.2
COGO, Denise; MAIA, John. Communication for citizenship. Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
COUTINHO, Eduardo G. Comunicação and counter-hegemony. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 2008.
DOWNING, John DH radical media: rebellion in communications and social movements. São Paulo: Senac, 2002.
TEAM del Centro de Comunicación La Crujía. Comunicación Community: apuntes to address them dimensiones de la construcción collective. Buenos Aires: La Crujía, 2010.
FERNANDES, Florestan (ed.) Community and Society - readings on conceptual problems, methodological and application. São Paulo: National, 1973.
GALINDO CÁCERES, Jesús. Networks, virtual comunidad y cyberculture. Available in:
La primera erupción visible. Ciudad de Mexico: Global Talent Univ.Press, 2013.
GEERTS, Andrés & Oeyen, Víctor van. La popular radio frente al nuevo siglo: studio Effective and incidence. Quito: ALER 2001.
GOHN, Maria da Glória. Theories of social movements: classical and contemporary paradigms. São Paulo: Loyola, 2004.
. New theories of social movements. 2.ed. São Paulo: Loyola, 2009.
GOMES, Pedro Gilberto. The alternative journalism in the popular project. São Paulo: Paulist, 1990.
GÓMEZ CRUZ, Edgar. Las internet metaphor. Barcelona: Editorial UOC, 2007.
GONZALEZ, Jorge A. Culture (s) cibercultur y @ s: linear incursiones on. Among complexity y comunicación. Available in: The finished work can be requested by e-mail:
.Scanned by decree. Cibercultur @: forced inclusion in Latin America. Matrices: Journal of the Graduate Program in Communication Sciences. University of Sao Paulo, the .2, n.2, p.113- 138, 2008. Available online.
. @ Cibercultur as strategy of compleja comunicación desde la periphery. Ciudad de Mexico: Labcomplex-CEICH / UNAM, s / of.
Available in:
. Among cultures) and ciberculture (s): incursions and other nonlinear routes. São Bernardo do Campo: Publisher Methodist, 2012.
Gumucio Dagron, A .; TUFTE, T. Raíces and importance -
introducción ... In: . (Eds.). Anthology of comunicación para el cambio social. New Jersey: CFSC -Communication for Social Change Consortium / La Paz: Plural, 2008. p.16-45.
Gumucio-Dagron, Alfonso; Herrera-Miller, Karina (coords.). Policies legislación y para la radio site in Latin America. La Paz: Plural Editores, 2010.
HARDT, Michael. Networked movements, national sovereignty and alternative globalization. In: Moraes, Denis (Ed.). By another communication. Rio de Janeiro / Sao Paulo: Record, 2003. p. 339-347.
HALL, Stuart. Cultural identity in post-modernity. 7.ed. Rio de Janeiro: DP & Z, 2003.
Halleck, DeeDee. Hands-held visions: the impossible possibilities of community media. New York, Fordham University Press, 2002.
HEIM, Michael. The metaphysics of virtual reality. N.York / Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Henriques, MS; BRAGA, CS; SILVA, DC .; MAFRA, RLM Public Relations in projects of social mobilization: functions and features. In: Henriques Marcio S. (Eds.). Communication and social mobilization strategies.
2.ed. Belo Horizonte: Authentic, 2004. p. 17-32.
Houtart, François: POLET, François (Coords.) The other Davos: globalization of resistance and struggle. São Paulo: Cortez, 2002.
Intervozes. - Brazil Collective of Social Communication. Voices of Democracy: history of communication in the democratization of Brazil. São Paulo: Intervozes; Official Press, 2006.
Read, A .; WEDGE, P. (Eds.) Perspectives on the ciberculrura. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2003.
Lenkersdorf, Carlos. Los hombres verdaderos: voces y testimonies tojolabales.5.ed. Mexico DF, Buenos Aires, Madrid: Siglo XXI, 2008.
. Aspects de la educación Tojolab'al. Reencounter. Mexico DF: Autonomous University of Xochimilco, n. 33, p.66-74, May 2002.
Available at:
LOPEZ, Vigil. Manual for urgent passionate broadcasters. São Paulo: Pauline: 2003.
Kaplun, Mario. El popular communicator. Quito CIESPAL 1985.
KEEN, Andrew. The cult of the amateur: as blogs, My Spice, YouTube and digital piracy are destroying our economy, culture and values. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2009.
KUCINSKI, Bernardo. Journalists and revolutionaries - the alternative press times. São Paulo: Scritta 1991.
Kunsch, MK Margaret; Kunsch, Waldemar L. (Eds.). Community public relations. São Paulo: Summus, 2007.
MARTIN-BARBERO, Jesus. Identities: tradiciones y nuevas communities. Journal Communications & Policy. V.IX, n.1, p.165-083. Rio de Janeiro: CEBELA, ago./nov. 1994.
MARTINEZ Herminda, Marcelo. Autonomous y comunicación: Do you y practices of Diversidad. In: ; MAYOGO y MAJÓ, Carme; Rodriguez, Ana T. (Eds.). Comunidad y comunicación: communicative practicas y medios en communitarian Europe y Latin America. Madrid: Fragua, s./dp21-36.
MIRANDA, Orlando (Eds.). To read Ferdinand Tönnies. São Paulo: Edusp 1995.
MORAES, Denis. The concrete and virtual. Rio de Janeiro: DP & A, 2001.
PAIVA, Rachel. common spirit - community, media and globalism. Petropolis: Voices, 1998. / 2.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad, 2003.
(Eds.). The community feedback: new ways of social. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad, 2007.
PERUZZO, Cicilia MK Communication in the popular movements - the participation in the construction of citizenship. 3ª.ed .. Petropolis: Voices, 2004.
.Right to community communication, public participation and citizenship. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación, year II, n.3, July / dic. 2005 Sao Paulo: ALAIC. p.18-41.
.Community Television: public dimension and citizen participation in local media. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad, 2007.
. Community radio, educational communication and local development. In: PAIVA, Rachel (ed.). The community feedback: new ways of social. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad, 2007. p.69-94.
.popular communication concepts revisited alternative and community and reworkings in the sector. Magazine Palabra Clave, Colombia, Universidad de La Sabana, v.11, n. 2, 2008. Available in:
.Similarities between popular and community communication and the alternative press in Brazil in the age of cyberspace. Magazine Galaxy. São Paulo: PUC-SP, n. 17, p. 131-146, jun. 2009. Available online.
; BERTI, OM C. The new settings of communication communities "of choice communities." Paper presented at the First Symposium Brazil-China Communication Sciences. Event promoted by Intercom - Soc Studies Interd.da Communication and held at the Federal University of Espírito Santo from 12 to 13 May 2010, in Vitória (ES)..
RECUERO, Rachel. Social networks on the Internet. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2009.
Rheingold, Howard. Intelligent Multitudes: la revolución next social. Barcelona: Gedisa 2004.
ROITMAN Rosenmann, Mark. Los indignados: el rescate de la policy. Madrid: Akal, 2012.
SCHERER-WARREN, Ilse. Citizenship without borders - collective actions in the era of globalization. São Paulo: Hucitec 1999.
SCHWARTZ, Gilson. Empowerment and enterprise networks in digitais.In: Brittos, Valerio C. (Eds.). Scanning, diversity and citizenship. Convergences between Brazil and Mozambique. São Paulo: CNPq / Anablume, 2009. p. 63-79.
Silveira, Sergio the Amadeus (Eds.). Citizenship and digital networks. São Paulo: Maraca, 2010.
GRINBERG SIMPSON, Maximum (Eds.). The alternative communication in Latin America. Petropolis: Voices, 1987.
THORNTON, Richard D .; CIMADEVILLA, Gustavo (Edits.). Uses y del participare abuse. Buenos Aires: Ediciones INTA, 2010.
TORO, José Bernardo; WERNECK. Nísia M.Duarte. Social mobilization: a way to build democracy and participation. Belo Horizonte: Authentic 2004.
TUFTE, Thomas. Hacia un revival of La comunicación para el cambio social. Redefiniendo her discipline y la práctica en la era post- "Arab Spring". In: MARTINEZ HERMIDA, M .; SIERRA C., Francis. Barcelona: Gedisa, 2012. p.85-110.
VIEIRA, Liszt. Citizenship and globalization. Rio de Janeiro / Sao Paulo, in 2000.
Communication rights in the information society Fábio Josgrilberg
E-mail: Blog: Twitter: @fabiobj
Facebook: fabio.josgrilberg Menu
International agreements on human rights, the rights to communication and the construction of the Information Society. The tension between control techniques (identification, surveillance, research) and cultures of freedom and collaboration (free software, social networks, creative commons). Imbalances in the communication flows. historical recovery of the struggle for democratization of the media (the MacBride and the World Summit on the Information Society). The digital activism.
- approaching the student of the main issues related to human and communication rights;
- identify the main trends of social control with regard to the use of information technologies;
- comparative analysis of the debate on communication and human rights since the publication of the MacBride Report to the World Summit on the Information Society;
- to analyze the emergence of new communication flows in the current technical period.
Program content
- - Digital Media and the public sphere;
- - Information technology and communication and social organization;
- - MacBride Report;
- - World Summit on the Information Society
- - human and communication rights;
- - Infrastructure and Internet governance;
- - Copyright and collaborative production of content (copyright, copyleft, Creative Commons);
- - Freedom of expression on the Internet;
- - Information technology and communication and social organization;
9 - Privacy;
- - Digital Inclusion;
- - Free Software;
12 - Social networking and political participation. Evaluation system
Article, standard Communication & Society (
basic bibliography
Hamelink, CJ (2005). Human rights for the information society. In JM de Melo & L. Sathler (Eds.), Rights to communication in the information society (pp. 103-137). São Bernardo do Campo: Publisher Methodist.
Bobbio, N. (2000). general political theory: the political philosophy and the lessons of the classics. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier.
Benkler, Y. (2006). The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Complementary Bibliography
Arendt, H. (2000). The human condition. Rio de Janeiro: University Forensic.
Benkler, Y. (2006). The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Bobbio, N. (2000). general political theory: the political philosophy and the lessons of the classics. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier.
Bruno, F. (2009). Monitoring, classification and control in digital surveillance devices. Famecos Magazine, 36, 1-7. Retrieved from
CGI and Marco Civil Internet. (2013). Retrieved November 19, 2013 from Marco-Civil.pdf (2010). Net neutrality: the internet for everyone. Magazine .uk. Retrieved November 19, 2013 from
Clark, JD, & Themudo, NS (2006). Linking the web and the street: Internet-based "dotcauses" and the "anti-globalization" movement. World Development, 34 (1), 50-74. Retrieved from
Collective. (2013). Rebel Cities: free and demonstrations that took to the streets. Sao Paulo: Boitempo Editorial.
How to regulate the removal of content reproduced without permission? |magazine Politics - Institute Nupef. (Na). Retrieved from
Comparato, FK (2006). Ethics: law, morality and religion in the modern world. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras.
Cramer, BW (2013). The two internet freedoms: framing victimhood for political gain. International journal of communication (Online), 1074+.
Dahl, RA (1997). Polyarchy: participation and opposition. Sao Paulo: Edusp.
Gomes, W. (2011). online political participation: questions and hypotheses. RCM in Maia, W. Gomes, & FPJA Marques (Eds.), Internet and political participation in Brazil (pp. 19-46). Port Alengre: Editora Sulina.
Gosepath, S. (2011). Equality. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 13 August 2013 from
Habermas, J. (1995). Three normative models of democracy. New Moon: Review of Culture and Politics. scielo.
Hamelink, CJ (2005). Human rights for the information society. In JM de Melo & L. Sathler (Eds.), Rights to communication in the information society (pp. 103-137). São Bernardo do Campo: Publisher Methodist.
Ishay, MR (2004). The History of Human Rights: From Ancient Times to the Globalization Era Berkeley. University of California Press.
Kira. (2013). Defective Design - Digital Restrictions in HTML 5 | magazine Politics - Institute Nupef. Retrieved from
Lenard, TM, & White, LJ (2011). Improving ICANN's governance and accountability: The policy proposal. Information Economics and Policy, 23 (2), 189-199. doi:
Malini, F., & Antoun, H. (2010). Ontology of freedom in the network: the war of narratives on the Internet and the social struggle in democracy. Magazine Famecos - Media, Culture and Technology, 17, 286+. Retrieved from id=GALE|A306356839&v=2.1&u=capes58&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w
Marx, GT (2009). What's New About the "New Surveillance"? Classifying for Change and Continuity. & Surveillance Society, 1 (1), 9-29. Retrieved from http://www.surveillance-and-
Moore, JT. (2002). Revoltution OS. United States: Wonderview Productions.
Morozov, E. (2011). Whither Internet Control ?. Journal of Democrac, 22 (2), 62-74.
Patara, R. (2012). As the Internet fuciona. Sao Paulo: Campus Party BR. Retrieved from
Pinsky, J., & Pinsky, CB (2003). History of citizenship. Sao Paulo: surrounding context.
Piovesan, F. (2009, March 10). Human rights and intellectual property. Retrieved from Piovesan.pdf
Picking up where the IGF began: our role in Internet governance of the future | magazine Politics - Institute Nupef. (Na). Retrieved from
Silveira, the SA. (2012). The policies of the informational society, intangible property and digital culture. Communication & Society, 33 (57), 59-78.
Siochrú, SO (2005). Assessing Communication Rights: A Handbook. London.
Swigger, N. (2013). The Citizen Online: Social Media Is Changing Citizens' Beliefs About Democratic Values? Political Behavior, 35 (3), 589-603. doi: 10.1007 / s11109-012-9208-y
UN.(2007, June). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Retrieved from (III)&Lang=E&Area=Resolution
UNESCO. (1980). Un solo world, multiple voces: comuncacón and información en nuestro tiempo. Retrieved from
Wallace, H. (2012). The new base of Brazilian DNA data: crime solution or erosion of human rights? |magazine Politics - Institute Nupef.
Retrieved from
digital communication platforms and applications Sebastião Squirra
Continuous everyday technologization in their cultural, economic or social angles, has shown that the digital speed of knowledge production is reaching all sectors, is the world of professions, consumption or entertainment, but especially that of research, development and dissemination of academic knowledge. For communicators, a leveling in the field of numerous devices that currently are part of the broad current of digital territory shows detachable, since they streamline and increase the production and dissemination of this by inserting the researcher in the fullness of highly technologized contemporary world. Resources and embedded applications on new platforms are numerous, specific and endless, requiring practical detail on machines for knowledge, mastery and appropriate use. In computer-collaborative, mobile and constantly connected world, expertise in this area reveal themselves as indispensable, especially for the researchers of communication, which require insertion in the innovation processes of postmodernity.
- course presentation. The academic research and scientific reference softs
- The pioneers of communication technologies. IHC, CMC, connected cities, inclusion, mobility, connection technologies, satellites, fiber submarine cable
- BigData and online databases in the cloud
- Search engines and applications of blogs
- Google applications and the future of communication
- The online digital repositories on technologies
- Online Science on digital platforms
- Displays, tablets and smart devices endless
- The Internet of Things, bandwidth and cloud communication, the world full time connected
- The evolutionary architectures of Web 2.0, Web 3.0, Semantic Web and Web Dark
- Applications of social and digital medias
- journalistic applications and robot production
- Holography, games and the universe of games;
- Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and technologies neurocomunicação
- Presentation of papers and final evaluation main bibliography
- Brynjolfsson, E. and McAfee. The second was the machines. Rio de Janeiro: High Books, 2015
- Gleick, J. information. S. Paulo: Cia das Letras, 2013
- MANOVIC, Lev. The language of the new media. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001
- KURZWEIL, Ray. The age of spiritual machines. S.Paulo: Aleph, 2007
- ASSANGE, J. When Google found Wikileaks.S.Paulo: Boitempo, 2015.
- SCHMIDT, and Eric COHEN, Jared. The new digital era. Rio de Janeiro: Intrinsically, 2013
- Seife, Charles. Decoding the universe. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 2010.
- PAVLIK, John. Media in the digital age. New York: Columbia Press, 2008
- JARVIS, Jeff. What Google Do? Barueri: Manole, 2010
- Auletta, Ken. Googled. Rio de Janeiro: Act 2011
- Barabasi, Albert-László. Linked. New York: BasicBooks, 2014
- JARVIS, Jeff. What Google Do? Barueri: Manole, 2010
- Leigh, David and HARDING, Luke. Wikileaks. The war of Julian Assange against state secrets. Campinas: Verus 2011
- CANTON, J. Technofutures. S.Paulo: BestSeller 2001
- KAKU, Michio. The physics of the future. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 2012
- POLLOCK, Jeffrey. Semantic Web for leighos. Rio de Janeiro: AltaBooks, 2010
- Capra, Fritjof. The web of life. São Paulo: Cultrix 1996 organizational communication: a discursive approach Elizabeth Moraes Gonçalves
HOURS: Mondays from 13h40 to 16h10 CREDITS: 03 (three)
Study of organizational communication from the perspective of language and discourse. This is on the assumption that, through language, man creates and recreates the universe in a dialogic process with the caller. Thus, as a social institution, the language does not
exist outside of society, so that the speeches reflect the ideas, concepts and conceptions of culture, society and time. In the context of organizations, elaborate speeches in different levels and interactions reveal the conditions of production, the roles of individuals, to the position and direction of the public.
To promote reflection on the importance of language and discourse in the social context.
When researching aspects of language in the organization of the message, the student must understand that the text requires reading between the lines, in search of the speaker's position and the degree of argumentativity.
Reflecting on the importance of the study of communication in organizational context, from the perspective of language, which implies delve into the ideological universe of the conditions of production and reception of speech to achieve the information beyond the explicit what is consumed by citizens in their daily lives .
Topics to be covered:
- Conceptual framework of the course.
- Milton José Pinto: agenda for discourse analysis.
Diana Barros: Contributions Bahktin to theories of text and speech
- Joan Costa: The culture of communication in organizations: the languages of communication.
Joan Costa: The narcissistic game of brands
- Fábia Lima: Integrated communication: prospects and challenges;
Marlene Marchiori: Communication as an expression of the humanization of contemporary organizations.
- Roseli Fígaro: Communication relations in the workplace and communication organizations. - Meeting Coling
- John Anzanello Carrascoza and Juliana de Assis Furtado: The structuralist thought and theories of communication.
Eliseo Verón: Postmodernism and theories of language: the end of functionalisms.
- Maria Laura Braga: The semiotic theory Verón
Izidoro Blikstein: Semiotics of political discourse and business.
- Joao Batista Cardoso: Organic Food Packaging: between identities and conventions. - Coling Meeting.
- Eni Orlandi: Rumors and silences. Words at wind. Fiorin: Semantic category of enunciation.
- Assisted Research on the social discourses - orientation.
- Luiz Alberto de Farias: organizational memory, narrative of a successful experience over time - - Coling Meeting.
- Iasbeck: organizational identity and the construction of organizational discourse.
Carlos Ávalos: The speech of the brand.
- Veron: Advertising or the mysteries of reception. Palliero: visual and multisemiotic Speeches
- Fonseca: Position Paper: rhetoric in contemporary organizations Bueno: Communication strategies for social media
- Presentation of the articles produced in the training and evaluation of the course
- Participation in classes: discussion of the topics of the syllabus and practical exercises of the theory.
- Seminars from the texts proposed for study.
- Participation in research group meetings.
- Development of research on the suggested topics and research paper writing.
GALINDO, Daniel (ed.). Corporate Communication & marketing: conceptual expansions and thematic overlaps. São Bernardo do Campo: Methodist University of São Paulo, in 2012.
Kunsch, Margaret MK (ed). Organizational communication: language, management and perspective. Vol.2. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2009.
MAINGUENEAU, Dominique. Scenes Enunciation. Parable Editorial: São Paulo, 2008.
VERÓN, Eliseo. Fragments of a tissue. São Leopoldo RS: Publisher Unisinos, 2005.
Avalos, Carlos. Manufacturer- La identidad y estrategia: recetas to mejorar la relación entre la brand y sus public. Buenos Aires, Argentina: La Crujía, 2010.
Blikstein, Izidoro. Semiotics Analysis of Political and Business Address. In: Emediato, Wander;
MACHADO, Ida Lucia; Menezes, William (eds). Discourse Analysis: Gender, Communication and Society. Belo Horizonte - MG: Speech Analysis Center, Graduate in Linguistic Studies Program, Faculty of Arts, UFMG, 2006.
BUENO, Wilson da Costa. Communication strategies for social media. In Bueno, C. Wilson (ed). Communication strategies in social media. Barueri - SP: Manole, 2015.
Cardoso, JBF; RODRIGUES, LG. Organic Food Packaging: between identities and conventions. Magazine Borders (Online) v. 17, p. 104- 117, São Leopoldo - RS: Unisinos, 2015. Available at:
COSTA, Joan. Corporate image in El siglo XXI. 4th ed. Buenos Aires, Argentina, La Crujía, 2009.
COSTA, Joan. The narcissistic game of brands. Organicom year 4, number 7, São Paulo: ECA / USP, 2007.
FARACO, Carlos Alberto; TEZZA, Christopher; CASTRO, Gilberto. (Eds). Dialogue with Bakhtin. 3rd Ed Curitiba: Ed. The UFPR., 2001.
organizational memory, narrative of a successful experience over time
- Interview with Nicole D'Almeida. Organicom (USP), vol. 11, p. 149- 156, São Paulo: ECA / USP, 2014.
FIORIN, José Luiz. In search of meaning: discourse studies. Sao Paulo: Context, 2008.
FONSECA JR, Wilson C. Position paper: rhetoric in contemporary organizations. In: BUENO, Wilson C. (ed) Corporate Communications - trends and prospects. São Paulo: All Print Publisher, 2012.
Kunsch, Margaret MK (ed). Communication as a factor of humanization of organizations. São Caetano do Sul: publishing dissemination, 2010.
MAINGUENEAU, Dominique. Scenes Enunciation. Parable Editorial: São Paulo, 2008.
MAINGUENEAU, Donimique. Analysis of communication texts. 2nd Ed São Paulo:. Cortez, 2002.
MARCHIORI, Marlene R. Communication as an expression of the humanization of contemporary organizations. In: KUNSH. Daisy MK (ed). Communication as a humanizing factor of organizações.São Caetano do sul: Broadcast publisher, 2010.
OLIVEIRA, Ivone de Lourdes; LIMA, Fábia Pereira (eds). conceptual proposals for communication in organizational context. São Caetano do Sul, SP: Publisher Broadcasting; Rio de Janeiro: Editora Senac Rio, 2012.
Palleiro, María Inés (ed ..). Forms del Speech - de la theory of them signs a las communicative practices. 2nd ed.Expanded. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Miño y Dávila publishers, 2008.
PINTO. José Milton. Communication and speech. Introduction to the analysis of speeches. 2nd Ed São Paulo:. Hacker publishers, 2002.
ZECHHETTO, Victorino (ed.). Six semioticians en busca del lector. 4th ed. Buenos Aires, Argentina: La Crujía Ediciones, 2012.
media culture and art: mediations, interfaces and hybrids herom Vargas
Interfaces and mediations between artistic production, technology and media culture in modernity and the contemporary. aesthetic aspects of communication processes and media cultural texts.
Tensions between the aesthetic dimension of the communication processes and communication dimension of artistic expression in the media. Hybrids between languages and genres of art in the media and forms of interactivity in the sense of production processes. aesthetic production, copyright experimentalism and media industry. Questions about production, circulation and consumption of art.
- To reflect on the aesthetic dimension of the communication processes and the communication dimension of artistic expression in the media.
- Analyze the cultural production media from the perspective of mediations and interfaces between languages and genres.
- Discuss the hybrids formats, genres and directions of art in the media.
- To analyze the visual and sound languages in media environments on specific objects, such as music video, web art, performance, advertising, electronic music etc.
- Think and treat the arts as cultural texts in the media.
- Analyze experimental and copyright practices of art in the media industry.
- Discuss contemporary aspects of production, circulation and consumption aesthetic, and the new relationship between artist, artwork, market and audience.
- art and Aesthetics
- Art and communication processes
- Art and cultural mediation
- Art, media and modernity
- experimentalism and avant-garde
- Art, post-modernity and digital culture
- Art as text culture and how memory
- Cultural Text, modeling and border
- hybridity of the arts in the media
- Experimental and copyright practices in media industry
- Case studies: images
- Case Studies: sound and music
- Case Studies: audiovisual
- production, circulation and consumption aesthetic
- Art and spectator in the media culture Bibliography
ARAUJO, Denise C. (ed) Image () reality: communication and cybermedia. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2006.
BENJAMIN, Walter. The work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. In: . Magic and technology, art and politics. (Works chosen, v. 1). 3. ed.São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1987, p. 165-196.
. The author as producer. In: . Magic and technology, art and politics. (Works chosen, v. 1). 3. ed.São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1987, p. 120-136.
BRAUN, Hans-Joachim. (D) Music and Technology in the Twentieth Century. 2nd ed. Baltimore / London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.
Canevacci, Massimo. Syncretism - an exploration of cultural hybridization. São Paulo: Nobel Studio 1996.
CASTRO, Gisela GS Podcasting and cultural consumption. E-Compós, n. 4, mar. 2005.
DE MARCHI, Leonardo. The anguish of the format: a history of the phonographic formats. E-Compós, n. 2, abr. 2005.
Domingues, Diana. (Org) Art in the XXI century: the humanization of technology. São Paulo: UNESP, 1997.
ECO, Umberto. La definición del arte. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1970.
GARCÍA CANLINI Nestor. hybrid cultures. Strategies for getting in and out of modernity. São Paulo: EDUSP 2000.
GODDWIN, Andrew. Dancing in the factory distraction: music television and popular culture. London: Routledge, 1993.
HARVEY, David. postmodern condition: a research on the origins of cultural change. São Paulo: Loyola, 1992.
Huyssen, Andreas. Memories of modernism. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ Ed., 1996.
JENKINS, Henry. Convergence Culture. 2. ed. São Paulo: Eleph, 2009.
JONES, Steve; Sorger, Martin. Covering music: a brief history and analysis of album cover design. Journal of Popular Music Studies. V. 11, n.1, 1999, p. 68-102.
KELLNER, Douglas. The culture media. Bauru (SP): Edusc 2001.
We read, Andrew; CUNHA, Paul (ed). Looks on cyberculture. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2003.
Lévy, Pierre. Cyberculture. São Paulo: Editora 34, 1999.
LOPES CANO, Rubén. La vida en copies: brief cartography del digital music reciclaje. Magazine LIS - Letter Sonido Image - Ciudad mediated. Year III, n. 5, Sea-Jun / 2010, p. 171-185.
Lotman, Yuri. La semiosphere I. Semiotics de la y del text culture. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 1996.
LUCIE-SMITH, Edward. Movements in art since 1945. London: Thames
& Hudson, 2001.
MACHADO, Arlindo. Machine and imaginary: the challenge of technological poetics. São Paulo: Edusp 1993.
MACHADO, Irene. School of Semiotics: the Tartu-Moscow experience to the study of culture. São Paulo: Workshop Editorial, 2003.
Manovich, Lev. The language of new media. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001.
MARTIN-BARBERO, Jesús. The means to mediation. Communication, culture and hegemony. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ, 2001.
Ostrower, Fayga. Creativity and creation processes. Petropolis (RJ): Voices 1977.
Pareyson, Luigi. The aesthetic problems. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1984.
Rossetti, Regina; Vargas, herom (ed). Languages in the media: transposition and hybridization as innovation procedures. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2013.
SA, Simone Pereira. The music in the age of their reproductive technologies. Proceedings of the XV National Meeting Compós. Bauru (SP), 2006. Available at:
Santaella, Lucia. Cultures and arts of post-human. São Paulo: Paulus, 2003.
. Browse in cyberspace: the cognitive profile of the immersive player. São Paulo: Paulus, 2004.
SANTOS, Robert E .; Vargas, herom; CARDOSO, João BF (ed.). Mutations of media culture. São Paulo: Paulist, 2009.
SARLO, Beatriz. Scenes postmodern life: intellectual, art and videocultura in Argentina. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ, 1997.
VALENTE, Heloise. The song of voices in the media. São Paulo: Via Lettera 2003.
VARGAS, herom. musical hybrids of Chico Science & Zombie Nation. Cotia (SP): Workshop Editorial, 2007.
Organizations, image auditing and social networks Wilson da Costa Bueno
The image and reputation of organizations. Networks and social media: basics. Communication networks and social media. The role of communication and media in shaping the image and reputation of organizations. Image auditing: basic principles and methodologies.
Evaluating the image of organizations in the media, networks and social media.
Refine concepts in Business Communication, with special attention to the image and reputation of organizations;
critically evaluate the presence of the media organizations, networks and social media;
Describe techniques and methodologies for evaluation of image and reputation of organizations.
The image / reputation of organizations: refining the concepts Networks and social media: a contemporary view Communication networks and social media
The interaction of organizations with their "stakeholders" Press, citizenship and image / reputation training
The image / reputation of the organizations in the Brazilian media The image / reputation of organizations in social networks
Image auditing and business intelligence tool
Measuring the image of organizations: research techniques Image auditing and business intelligence tool
The evaluation will take place from 2 works: 1) writing an article on a topic of the program; 2) Conducting research in image audit group in media and networks or social media.
basic bibliography
BAREFOOT, Darren; SZABO, Julie. marketing manual on social media. São Paulo: Editora Novatec, 2010.
BURGESS, Jean; GREEN, Joshua. Youtube and the digital revolution. São Paulo: Aleph, 2009.
BUENO, Wilson da Costa. Corporate Communications: policies and strategies. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2009.
BUENO, Wilson da Costa. Corporate Communication: Theory and research. Sao Paulo; Manole, 2003.
BUENO, Wilson da Costa. Measuring the return on media relations work. In: DUARTE, Jorge. Press and relationship advice to the media: theory and practice. São Paulo: Atlas, 2002, p. 389-401.
COMM, Joel. The power of Twitter. São Paulo: Editora Gente, 2009.
COSTA, Joan. Imagen en el siglo XXI corporate. Buenos Aires / Argentina: La Crujía Ediciones, 1999.
CREMADES, Javier. Micro-power: the citizen force in the digital age. São Paulo: Senac, 2009.
CROSS, Bob. THOMAS, Robert J. Social networks. São Paulo: Editora Gente, 2009.
DAYS, Vera. How to make news and not regret the next day. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Objective 1994.
Domeneghetti, Daniel: MEIR, Roberto. intangible assets. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 2009.
Doty, Dorothy I. Disclosure Jornalistica & Public Relations. São Paulo: Culture Associate Editors, 1995.
DUARTE, Fabio; QUANDT, Carlos; SOUZA, Keilah. The time of the nets. Sao Paulo: Perspective, 2008.
Duarte, Jorge (ed). Media Relations and Relations with the media: theory and practice. São Paulo: Atlas, 2002.
DUARTE, Jorge Antonio Menna. Research and Media: Guidelines for a good relationship. Brasilia: Embrapa, 1994.
EVANS, Dave. Social media marketing. Rio de Janeiro: High Books, 2009.
FARHAT, Said. The public factor, how to deal with it. São Paulo: TA Queiroz Editor, 1992.
FERRARI, Pollyanna. The power of social media. São Paulo: Editora Factash, 2010.
HUNT, Tara. The power of social networking. São Paulo: Editora Gente, 2010.
ISRAEL, Shel. The era of Twitter. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 2010.
SEW, Arthur; MARR, Jackie Alcade; KASSOTAKIS, Mary Ellen. Social media and businesses. São Paulo: Editora Évora, 2010.
Kanter, Beth; FINE, Allison H. Social media transformadoras.São Paulo: Editora Évora 2011.
KEEN, Andrew. The cult of amador.Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2009.
LESLY, Philip. The basics of Public Relations and Communication. São Paulo, Pioneer, 1995.
LI, Charlene. open leadership. São Paulo: Editora Évora 2011.
LI Charlene; Bernoff, Josh. social phenomena in business. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 2009.
LINDEGAARD, Stefan. The revolution of open innovation. São Paulo: Editora Évora 2011.
LODI, João Bosco. Lobby: pressure groups. São Paulo, Pioneer, 1986.
LOPES, Marilene. Who's afraid of the news? São Paulo, Makron Books, 2000.
McConnel, Well; HUBA, Jackie. Citizens marketers. São Paulo: M.Books of Brazil, in 2008.
McConnel, Well; HUBA, Jackie. Marketing buzz: creating evangelists clients. São Paulo: M.Books of Brazil, in 2006.
WALNUT, Nemércio. Media Training. São Paulo, Associate Editors Culture, 1999.
Ramalho, José Antonio. Social media in practice. São Paulo: Elsevier, 2010.
RECUERO, Rachel. Social networks on the Internet. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2009.
SCOTT, David Meerman. The new rules of marketing and PR. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 2008.
SOBREIRA, Geraldo. Supply Manual. How to deal with journalists. São Paulo, Generation Editorial, 1993.
SUSSKIND, Lawrence & FIELD, Patrick. In crisis with public opinion. São Paulo, Futura, 1997.
Taparelli, Alessandra Torrazas and other (org). advisory relationships & newsrooms. São Paulo, the Union of Professional Journalists in the State of São Paulo, in 1999.
Telles André. The revolution of social media. São Paulo: M.Books of Brazil, in 2010.
EARTH, Carolina Frazon. Corporate blogs: fad or trend? São Caetano do Sul / SP: Publisher Broadcast, 2008.
VILLELA, Regina. Who's afraid of the press? Rio de Janeiro, Editora Campus, 1998.
WEINBERG, Tamar. The new Community rules: Marketing in social media. Rio de Janeiro: High Books, 2010.
WRIGHT, Jeremy. Blog marketing. São Paulo: M.Books of Brazil, in 2008.
Seminars theories of Social Communication
Marli dos Santos
Summary: epistemological questions Communication: delimitation of the field and specificity of the subject matter. Review of theoretical currents of Mass Media. The functionalist perspective. mass communication effects on society (Agenda Setting, and Newsmaking silence spiral). The Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School and the thoughts of Habermas. The structuralism and post-structuralism.
Birmingham School and cultural studies. The Latin American Communicational Thought. theoretical perspectives on Cybernetics, Cyberspace and Communication.
Objectives: To promote the theoretical and epistemological reflection on the Media, in order to allow an overview of different theoretical currents influencing the field. Develop theoretical frameworks for conducting research and teaching in Communication. Promote theoretical debate among researchers and students of the Program PósCom.
Work Methodology: Presentation of seminars taught by professors and students of the program and invited guests. Dynamics in the classroom.
Rating: presence and participation in seminars; seminar presentation; preparation of essay on one of the theories covered in the seminars, relating to whether or not the personal research work. Delivery: 30 days after the end of the course.
Program content:
Communication Sciences: training field, institutionalization and challenges
Overview of schools of thought that have influenced research in communication
Mass comunication Research: Theories of limited effects (linear model [mathematical] Procedure Model [Laswell] theories and the limited purposes) and new approaches (Agenda Setting, and Theories of Newsmaking Uses and bonuses)
Critical Theory and the thought of Habermas. Structuralism
Poststructuralism British Cultural Studies
Contemporary Thought Latin American Cybernetics, cyberspace and communication Schedule
03/08 - Lesson 1 - Introduction of discipline. Introduction to the field of communication: object, institutionalization and challenges
10:08 - Aula Magna
17:08 - Lesson 2 - Overview of schools of thought that have influenced research in communication
31.08 - Class 3 - Mass comunication Research: Theories of limited effects (linear model [mathematical] Procedure Model [Laswell] and theories of limited effect)
14:09 - Class 4 - Mass comunication Research and new approaches (Agenda Setting, and Theories of Newsmaking Uses and bonuses)
21:09 - Lesson 5 - Critical Theory and the thought of Habermas - Seminar prof. José Salvador Faro
28.09 - Class 6 - Group Seminar 1 - studies inspired by Critical Theory
05:10 - Lesson 7 - structuralism and post-structuralism in Communication Studies - Seminar Prof.. Elizabeth Morais Gonçalves
19:10 - Class 8 - Group Seminar 2 - studies inspired by structuralism and post-structuralism
26.10 - Lecture 9 - The British Cultural Studies - origin and prospects - Seminar taught by prof. Magali Cunha
19:11 - Lecture 10 - Group Seminar 3 - inspired studies in Cultural Studies English
16:11 - Lecture 11 - Contemporary Thought Latin American. Seminar taught by prof. Cicília Peruzzo
23:11 - Lecture 12 - Group Seminar 4 - studies inspired by the Latin American School
30.11 - Lecture 13 - Cybernetics, cyberspace and communication. Seminar taught by prof. Sebastião Squirra.
07:11 - Lecture 14 - Group Seminar 5 - inspired studies in cybernetics, cyberspace and communication
14:12 - Lecture 15 - Guidance on individual and course evaluation. References
SALMÓN BELTRAN, Luis Ramiro. Investigación on comunicación en Latinoamerica. La Paz; Plural, 2000.
Citelli, Adilson .... [et al]. Communications dictionary. Sao Paulo: Context, 2014.
COHN, Gabriel (ed). Communication and cultural industry, 5th. Ed. São Paulo: TAQueiroz 1987.
Felinto, Erick. The risks of caution: Theory of Communication, disciplinary and Comunicacologia of Vilém Flusser. In FRANCE, V Vera et al (Eds). Communication theories in Brazil. contemporary reflections. Salvador: Edufba, 2014.
RÜDIGER Francisco. Theory and history: the era of propaganda to communicational thought. FRANCE, V Vera et al (Eds). Communication theories in Brazil. contemporary reflections. Salvador: Edufba, 2014.
MARCONDES SON, Cilo. The new way to search the communication: the engineering of emotions, spiritual automaton and a field of knowledge that is. FRANCE, V Vera et al (Eds). Communication theories in Brazil. contemporary reflections. Salvador: Edufba, 2014.
FRANCE, V Vera et al (Eds). Communication theories in Brazil. contemporary reflections. Salvador: Edufba, 2014.
GOBBI, MC (2008). The battle for communicational hegemony in Latin America. São Bernardo do Campo: Publisher Methodist University.
Habermas, Jürgen. structural change in the public sphere. Bauru, SP: Editora Unesp, 2014
Horkheimer, Max. Critical Theory I, 3rd. Ed. Sao Paulo: Perspective, 2008.
HALL, Stuart. Cultural identity in post-modernity. 7ª.ed. Rio de Janeiro: DP & A, 2002.
Jakobson, Roman. Language and communication. 20ªed. Cultrix, SP, 1995.
LEÓN DUARTE, G. (2007). Latin American School of Communication - the new hegemony. São Bernardo do Campo: Publisher Methodist University.
Lopes, M. Immacolata Vassalo of (ed.). communication epistemology. São Paulo: Loyola, 2003.
MARTIN-BARBERO, Jesús. The Media to Mediations: Communication, y hegemony culture, Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 1997.
MARTIN-BARBERO, Jesús. Craft cartographer: Latin American crossings of communication in culture. São Paulo: Loyola, 2004.
MARTINO, Luiz C. (ed.) Communication theories: many or few? Cotia, SP: Workshop Editorial, 2007.
MATTELARD, Armand; MATTELARD, Michèle. History of Communication Sciences. Porto Alegre, Campo das Letras, 1997.
MELO, Jose; Gobbi MC (Eds.). Latin American communicational thought. São Bernardo do Campo: Publisher Methodist, 20004.
Moragas Spa, Miquel. Interpret La comunicación. Studies on average in America and Europe. Barcelona: Gedisa 2011.
PERUZZO, KMC; Tufte, T .; See Casanova, J. (2011). (Eds.). Trazos de una comunicación other in Latin America: community practices, theories y sociales demands. Barranquilla: Universidad Del Norte, 2011. 334p.
PETERS, Michael. Structuralism and post-structuralism. Available in:, accessed 06/02/2007
SAUSSURE, Ferdinand. General Linguistics Course. Translation Antônio Chelini, José Paulo Paes and Izidoro Blikstein. 3rd ed. São Paulo: Cultrix 1986.
Silva, Edward of Lins et al. Communication Sciences in Brazil. 50 years of history to tell. São Paulo, Vol.1, 2 and 3. São Paulo: FAPESP, INTERCOM, UNESP, 2015.
WOLF, Mauro. Communication Theory, 2nd ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2008.
Media and cultural production José Salvador Faro
Analysis of the relationship between the production of mass media culture and the world of symbolic values that socially construct reality. The course aims to study the context in which it gives the coverage of cultural events by the specialized media, discussing the paradigms of their ideological configuration and stresses that such products possibly reproduce as a result of the various situations in which they are generated. The contradictions arising from this process are seen as
located on the fringes of the hegemonic systems of ethical and political values spread in society.
basic bibliography
Bourdieu, Pierre. On television. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 1997.
BRIGGS, Asa and BURKE, Peter. A social history of the media. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 2004.
. What is cultural history? Rio de Janeiro: Zahar Editor, 2005.
CEVASCO, Maria Elisa. To read Raymond Williams. São Paulo: Peace & Earth 2001.
Costa Lima, Luiz (ed). Mass culture theory. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1990.
Eagleton, Terry. The idea of culture. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2005.
Giddens, Anthony. Politics, sociology and social theory. São Paulo: UNESP, 1998.
JOHNSON, Richard and others. What is, after all, cultural studies? Belo Horizonte: Authentic 2006.
KELLNER, Douglas. The culture media. Bauru: Edusc 2001.
Lipovetsky, Gilles. Metamorphoses of liberal culture. Porto Alegre: Sulina Publisher, 2004.
MARTIN-BARBERO, Jesus. The means to mediation. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 1997.
MOTA, Luiz Gonzaga. For an anthropology of news. Journal of Communication Sciences, volume XXV, no. 2. Intercom, July / December 2002.
MOTA GOMES, Itania Maria (org). Media & Culture. PPGCOM UFBA, 2003.
Ribeiro, Lavina Madeira. Communication and Society. Culture, information and public space. Rio de Janeiro: E-papers, 2004.
SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa. By Alice's hand. São Paulo: Editora Cortez, 1999.
THOMPSON, John B. Los average y la modernity. Barcelona: Paidós, 1998.
WILLIAMS, Raymond. Culture. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 2000. Teaching plan
Week / Content first week
Presentation of the syllabus, course methodology, comments on the literature indicated, seminar topics and readings
week 2
A definition of culture. interdisciplinary conceptual elements and theoretical approaches that operationalize the concept in communication studies
Analysis of the relationship between the production of mass media culture and the world of symbolic values that socially construct reality
4th week
Theoretical perspectives: the functional and structural studies on the relationship between media and culture
5th week
Theoretical perspectives: the Frankfurt School 6th week
Theoretical perspectives: Gramsci and cultural studies 7th week
Reception and effect: cultural mediations and symbolic redefinition processes
8th week
Douglas Kellner's analysis of the "critical multiculturalism" from empirical studies: the North American film
9th week
cultural criticism in Brazil: ideological configuration paradigms and socio-political context
10 weeks
The aesthetic-expressive dimension of cultural affairs 11th week
The ethical-political dimension of cultural affairs 12 weeks
identity representations in cultural journalism: professional subject, the subject receiver
13th week
Presentation of case studies 14 weeks
Presentation of case studies 15th week
Conclusions. Course evaluation and reflection on the concepts covered during the semester
Note: classes include seminars on texts whose themes are related to the topics covered on their contents.
technological and cultural interfaces in market communication Daniel dos Santos Galindo
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Daniel Dos Santos Galindo
E-mail: or
Discipline: technological and cultural interfaces in market communication
Period: 2nd half of 2016
Hours: Mondays from 8 am to 10:30 am. Credits: 03 (three)
Summary: New communication technologies and their applications, interactivity, connections and new options for production and distribution of persuasive messages. The audio visual culture in the context of the information society. Knowledge and analysis of the new settings in the process production / consumption, mass customization. The search for a new communication approach and the symbolic construction of the brands in the network society. The decentralized production and distribution of content. The relationship technologies as supports with the receiver / transmitter: the contemporary consumer. The devise addiction and the off-line and on-line practices of ciberconsumidor.
Objectives: Locate students across the transformations occurred with the introduction of new technologies and communication media to market the service. In a second time to get them to understand the demassification process and the customization of the speeches at the possibility of bi-directionality, the multidirectional flows, convergence and geography of online social networks.
Specific objective:
Enable a critical view on the construction of new perceptive references to brands, products, services and consumers through alternative "high tech" and "high touch". Identifying the ownership and use of private and public demonstrations in the marketing context.
- Presentation of the program and field activities.
- The context of the Information Society.
3- The exchange ratios in the context of the digital society. The access was 4: replacement has at use.
5- The universe networked and connected populations. 6- High Tech | high touch and business e-mocionais.
7- The dream of consumption and the discontinuation of emotionless consumption.
8- The digital marketing and online social networks. 9 Who is this contemporary consumer?
10- The Intermediate space.
11. Technological convergence and networking technologies.
12- The online social media and the reverberations in the ambience Socioeconomic.
- The convergence of media and devise dependency.
- Mapping the new forms of exchanges supported in online social media.
- Evaluation and closing of the end of the current proposal.
- Mapping the new forms of exchanges supported in online social media.
Course structure / methodology
participatory classes from selected texts in the bibliography of the course;
Seminars and individual presentations on topics defined at the beginning of the course;
The final evaluation will include the development of a "paper" articulating the curriculum and references gathered during the course.
Reference bibliography
AUSTIN, Mark, Jim Aitchison. Is anyone there? - Communications in the XXI century. São Paulo: Nobel 2006.
BROGAN, Chris Smith & JULIEN. Using the Web to build influence, Improve reputation, and earn trust. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
CREMADES, Javier. Micro-power - la fuerza del cidadano en La digital age, Madrid: Espasa, 2007.
CHETOCHINE, Georges. The user blues. São Paulo: Prentice Hall, 2006.
Dijck, José Van. The culture of conectivity: a critical history of social media. New York: Oxford university Press, 2013.
DI FELLICE. MASSIMO. Post-Humanism - The relations between the human and technical at the time of the networks, São Caetano do Sul: Publisher Broadcast, 2010.
GALINDO, Daniel Santos - Full Communication & activ @ -Are Paulo: Futura, 2002.
GALINDO, Daniel Santos. Corporate Communications & marketing - Expansions conceptual and thematic overlaps. São Bernardo do Campo: Methodist University, 2012.
GALINDO, Daniel Santos. El postmodern consumer, una persona relacional- Anclajes conceptuales. Madrid: Editorial Fragua, 2012.
GALINDO, Daniel Santos. The market communication and the paradox of the attributes and benefits of a relational society. Chapecó: Argos Publisher, 2015.
GODIN, Seth. Tribes: WE need you to lead us. London: Penguin Books, 2008.
Jaffe, Joseph. The decline of mass media. São Paulo: M. Books, 2008. JENKINS, Henry. Convergence Culture. São Paulo: Aleph, 2008.
Kerckhove, Derrick Skin culture. São Paulo: Annablume, 2009.
Kotler, Philip. Marketing 3.0 - The forces that are defining the new marketing centered on the human being. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2010.
KJELL. A, Nordstrom and JONAS Ridderstrale - Funky Talent Capital movement and Business. São Paulo: Makron books publishing house, 2003.
LINDSTROM, Martin. BrandSense multisensory brand. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2007;
MAFFESOLI, Michel The time of the tribes: The decline of individualism in mass societies. Rio de Janeiro. Forensic University, 1987.
Meerman, David Scott. The new rules of marketing & PR. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. 2009.
NAISBITT, John. High tech high touch technology and our search for meaning. São Paulo: ed.Cultrix 1999.
O'CONNOR John at Al Electronic marketing and marketing communications:. The role of technology, in Marketing Communication, edited by Allan J. Kimmel. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
RECUERO Rachel Social Networks on the Internet. Porto Alegre southern publisher, 2009;
REFKIN, Jeremy. The era of access - The transition from conventional markets to networks and the birth of a new economy. São Paulo: Makron Books, 2001.
Safko, G and David K. Brake. The bible of social media. São Paulo: Editora Blucher. 2010.
SALOMON, Michel RO consumer behavior - buying, owning and being. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2011.
Schmitt, Bernd. Experiential marketing: how to get customers to sense, feel, think, act, and report your company and brand. New York: The Free Press, 1999.
SOLIS, Brian. "Putting the Public Back in Public Relations: Social Media Is Reinventing the Aging Business of How PR". New Jersey: Pearson Education Initiative Inc. in 2009.
SOUZA, Mark G. Neoconsumidor- Digital Multichannel and Global. São Paulo: Editora GS & MD, 2009.
STANGL Andre. Marshall McLuhan and post-humanism, in Post- Humanism relations between the human and technical at the time of the networks. Org Massimo Di Felice and Mario Pireddu, São Caetano do Sul:. Broadcast publisher, 2010.
STRAUSS, Judy and Raymond FROST. E-Marketing. São Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2012.
Turkle, Sherry. The second self - computers and the human spirit.Cambridge: Mit press, 2005.
Turkle, Sherry. Alone Together - why we expect more from techonology and less from each other. New York: Perseus Books Group, 2011.
Trivinho, Eugene. The dromocracy cibercultural- the logic of human life on advanced media civilization Sao Paulo: Paulus, 2007.
RAFAEL A. Pérez and SANDRA Massoni. Toward a General Theory of La strategy - El cambio en el paradigm human comportamiento, La sociedad y las instituciones. Barcelona: Editorial Ariel, 2009.
LI, Charlene. social phenomena in business: Win in a world transformed by social networks. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2009.
During the course of journals texts will be used; PDFs, movies and websites that will complement our approach on the proposed theme
Teachers (names relationship with links to Lattes)
Marli dos Santos (Coordinator)
Directs dissertations and theses in journalism, focusing on journalistic practices in contemporary society, where the heightened mobility, interactivity, multimidialidade, technological ubiquity and colaborativity are aspects that contribute to a new scene in journalism. The changes include the production and distribution processes, accounts, business models and profiles of journalists, including from the perspective of gender and training. PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA / USP (2004). Journalist, acted on the market as a reporter, editor, press advisor and communications manager. It is member of the CEP - Research and Extension UMESP and the Forum of Communication Graduate Programs Committee in São Paulo. It is a leader of the research group New practices in journalism.
Curriculum lattes
line of research: media communication, processes and cultural practices
Maria Cicilia Peruzzo Krohling
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses related to the issue of communication and citizenship that encompass community communication issues, alternative in the context of social movements, in addition to media and local community in considering the social development territories.
Cicilia has a PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA / USP (1991), a post-doctorate from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. PQ1 researcher of CNPq. ad hoc consultant for research projects from CNPq, CAPES and FAPESP. Author of books and articles published on Public Relations and Community Communication and social movements. research group leader Communi - Center for Community and Local Communication Studies.
Curriculum lattes
Research line: Community Communication of citizenship territories and social dynamics
Research project: "Community and Alternative Communication in Brazil in the context Cibercultur @"
research group at CNPq
Site: Daniel dos Santos Galindo
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses related: the management of marketing communication; relations of consumption and communication; technological contributions and their relationship with the techno-social subjects; new forms of communication and the modern consumer; the symbolic construction of the marks; market communication and children's consumption; the network society and the new public-private space and the construction of images and the articulation of communication skills in the production of intangibles. Doctor of Science Communication and Technology from the Methodist University of São Paulo (2000), did post-doctoral research at the Complutense University of Madrid. research group leader ECOM -
Communication Studies with the market. Consultant in marketing and communication.
Curriculum lattes
line of research: Institutional communication and marketing
Research project: "Social Media and consumers / emitters: The counter flow of persuasive speech"
research group at CNPQ
Site: Elizabeth Moraes Gonçalves
PhD in Social Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo (1999). Vice-coordinator of advertising communication working group of the Latin American Association of Researchers in Communication - ALAIC. executive editor of Communication & Society magazine. research group leader Coling - Communication and Language Studies. Directs dissertations and doctoral theses on topics involving the communication from the perspective of language and discourse of the organizations / institutions.
Curriculum lattes
line of research: Institutional communication and marketing
Research project: "The discourse of science communication - an image building of the study"
research group at CNPq
Site: Fábio Botelho Josgrilberg
PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA / USP (2006), with postdoctoral studies at the Media @ LSE, the London School of Economics and Political Science. research group leader URBEtic - Innovation, collaboration and social development. Current postgraduate dean and research of the Methodist University of São Paulo. Issue guidance on master's and doctoral: digital media and innovative collaborative processes; internet, government and communicative processes with civil society; and comprehensive analysis of digital information and communication technologies.
Curriculum lattes
Research line: Community Communication of citizenship territories and social dynamics
Research project: "Municipal Digital Locus: A comparative study of Brazilian municipal highways"
research group at CNPq
Site: herom Vargas
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses involving media communication in their relationship with art, folk music and interfaces with the aesthetics of communication processes.
PhD in Communication and Semiotics (PUC-SP) with postdoctoral ECA- USP. He was vice president of the Latin American section of the
International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM-AL), management 2014-2016. Coordinates the GT memory in Media, the congress of the composed (2014-2016). He is the author of "musical hybrids of Chico Science & Zombie Nation" (Workshop, 2007), journal articles and chapters in national and foreign books and organizer of three collections.
Curriculum lattes
line of research: media communication, processes and cultural practices
Research project: "Music, media and memory: experimentation and creation in electronic music"
José Marques de Melo
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses with relevant themes to the historical and / or contemporary relations between media, culture, production of meaning and identity construction. Doctor in Communication ECA / USP (1996). ad hoc consultant for research projects from CNPq, CAPES and FAPESP. Former president of Intercom. Leader of Contemporary Narratives research group and develops research project on the same theme in the Methodist Póscom.
Curriculum lattes
Research line: Community Communication of citizenship territories and social dynamics
Research project: "Journalistic Knowledge Brazilian Vitorino Prata and Costa Rego"
research group at CNPq
Site: José Salvador Faro
Doctor in Communication ECA / USP (1996). ad hoc consultant for research projects from CNPq, CAPES and FAPESP. Former president of Intercom. Leader of Cultural Journalism research group: public space of intellectual production and develops research project on the same theme in the Methodist Póscom. Directs dissertations and doctoral theses with relevant themes to the historical and / or contemporary relations between Media and Culture.
Curriculum lattes
line of research: media communication, processes and cultural practices
Research project: "Academic Production Inventory on Cultural Journalism"
research group at CNPq Site: Kleber Markus
Directs dissertations on management of communication skills, brands, responsible consumption, image and reputation of organizations. PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA / USP (2003), a post-doctorate from the Université Paris Descartes Sorbonne, France. Consultant in marketing and communication. Deputy leader of the research group ECOM - Communication Studies with the market.
Curriculum lattes
line of research: Institutional communication and marketing Magali Nascimento Cunha
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses that seek to understand the communication processes from the social imaginary and culture and arising issues such as identity, memory, religion, emphasizing the practices developed in the Community, an alternative framework and against hegemonic, in addition to local and regional media. PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA / USP (2004). Researcher and head of the Media Research Group, Religion and Culture (MIRE) and coordinator of the Brazilian Conference of Ecclesial Communication (ECLESIOCOM), the UNESCO Chair in Communication and Regional Development.
Curriculum lattes
Research line: Community Communication of citizenship territories and social dynamics
Paulo Rogério Tarsitano
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses related to construction and brand management, advertising, institutional advertising, performance and media strategies, responsible consumption in the communication market universe, market research and planning and perception of brands.
Doctor of Social Communication at the Methodist University of Sao Paulo. It has long experience in communication, with emphasis on planning and development creation strategies in marketing and institutional advertising campaigns, both in the commercial area of goods and services as in institutional actions of government or private companies. It integrates the executive board of APP - Association of Advertising Professionals.
Curriculum lattes
line of research: Institutional communication and marketing Sebastião Carlos de Morais Squirra
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses on research on human- machine interactions and studies of the technologies present in the media, on the platforms and digital applications of contemporary communication. PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA / USP (1992), with post-doctorate at the University of North Carolina (USA) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). Visual Communicator and Journalist, was director of Facom-Umesp, vice president of Intercom and Coordinator of Methodist PósCom.
Consultant CNPq, FAPESP and CAPES. Leader ComTec Research Group
- Communication and Digital Technologies.
Curriculum lattes
line of research: media communication, processes and cultural practices
Research project: "Technologies and Usability in Production for Interactive Media and Digital TV"
research group at CNPq
Wilson da Costa Bueno
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses related to the management of internal and external communication of organizations. communication strategies in traditional media and social media.
Communication and sustainability. Communication and corporate governance. Communication in crisis situations. Evaluation in Organizational Communication focused mainly on factors that relate to the management of the brand, image and reputation. PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA / USP. research group leader CRITICOM - Corporate Communication in Brazil: a critical reading, registered at CNPq. Consultant in Corporate Communication area for companies or organizations, public and private, with a view to the preparation of Communication Policies and performing diagnostics focused on the interaction with stakeholders.
Curriculum lattes
line of research: Institutional communication and marketing
Research project: "The presence and image of Organizations in Social Networks"
Dates and Notices
Registration: May 2 to June 10, 2016
Written test: June 16, 2016 - from 9am to 12pm
proficiency exam in a foreign language: June 16, 2016 - from 13h to 14h30
Interviews (scheduled and publicized in the test room hours): June 16, 2016 - 15h
result of disclosure: June 17, 2016 - 20h Interview with another counselor: June 20, 2016
Supplementary disclosure of the Selection Process: June 20, 2016 - 20h
Enrollment: 22, 23, 24 June 2016 Notice
STUDENT SELECTION CALL FOR POST-Graduate Program in Media (master and doctorate)
I - The Program
The School of Communication, Education and Humanities in its Graduate Program in Social Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo - UMESP do know that the inscriptions are open to the completion of fourteen (14) seats in the Masters and four
(04) Doctoral vacancies, the next Concentration Area:
- PROCESSES communication
The area focuses research on the structures and social communication processes, their socio-cultural relations and the multiple forms of communication in the context of media and technological innovations, as well as the strategies and communication practices of organizations in contemporary society.
Research lines:
1 - media communication, processes and cultural practices Study of the processes taking place in the media ecosystem in its
structural dimensions and production flows, circulation and reception related to information and access to knowledge systems. Research cut out the communication and socio-cultural reality resulting from the practices developed in the context of the media, including its aesthetic, language, narrative and technological developments.
2 - Institutional communication and marketing
Study of processes and institutional communication strategies, advertising and marketing in private and public organizations. Surveys include the management of communication skills, media and online networks, brands, responsible consumption, image and reputation of the organizations as well as the language aspects and speeches built from the interfaces between corporate communication and market from the perspective of sustainability and corporate governance.
3 - Community Communication, citizenship and social development territories
Theoretical studies and communication processes established from the practices developed in the Community, an alternative framework and against hegemonic, in addition to local and regional media. communication is emphasized in its participatory aspects, the dynamics of informal education, popular culture, religious practices, the right to communication and diversity, public policy, social empowerment and the exercise of citizenship identity territories aimed at development Community and local.
II - Description
Entries will be made in the Relationship Center in Annex Omicron (opposite the Main Gateway), Campus Rudge Ramos, Álfeu Tavares Street, 149 - Rudge Ramos - São Bernardo do Campo / SP, from 02 May to 10 June 2016 from 8 am to 21h, Monday through Friday, except holidays, by submitting the following documents:
a) 1 photo 3x4;
b) Registration of Individuals (CPF) - 1 copy;
c) Identity Card (or OAB of Identity Card) and for foreigners RNE - 1 copy;
d) Proof of payment of registration fee in the amount of R $ 110.00 (one hundred and ten reais);
e) Curriculum Vitae - 1 copy;
f) duly registered Graduate Diploma (for inclusion in the Master) or Master's diploma, recognized by MEC, duly registered (for enrollment in PhD) - 1 certified copy. qualification obtained abroad must be revalidated in Brazil, as relevant legislation;
g) Copies of Scientific Production, such as research reports, articles and, in the case of PhD, copy the Master's Thesis (will be returned to approved in the selection process at the time of registration);
h) Transcripts graduation (for Masters) or Master (for PhD) - 1 certified copy. School from abroad History must be authenticated by the Brazilian consular authority in the country of origin of the documentation and the registered translation;
i) research project that aims to develop with a view to future dissertation or thesis; (Information in Appendix B); - 01 copy
registration form, duly completed and signed. - Form available on the link: inscricao/view
Graduates may enroll in Social Communication and related fields. The extraordinary cases will be examined by the Selection Process Committee of the Program in Graduate in Social Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo.
Applicants residing outside of São Paulo can register by registered mail, via Courier or by proxy, the model is available on the link: of- attorney / view, and the docket regarding the registration fee will be sent to the candidate upon receipt of documentation, by e-mail available on the "registration Form", with a deadline for payment.
In cases of application by registered mail, will only be considered enrolled applicants whose documentation and payment are settled within the application deadline.
Place of submission of application documents by mail: Academic Office
- Sacramento Street, 230 - Beta Building - Rudge Ramos - São Bernardo do Campo - SP - CEP: 09640-000.
III - Selection
The selection process for filling vacancies in the Graduate Program in Social Communication - MA, PhD - has the following steps:
a) Written Test;
b) Proficiency Examination in language (s) foreign (s) in one of the following languages: English, Spanish or French. Foreign students will be able to proficiency exam in their mother tongue provided it integrates the options offered.
c) Research Project Assessment submitted by the applicant in the registration;
d) Evaluation of the Curriculum Vitae;
e) Interview.
a) Written Test:
On completion of the written test, the candidate will enter the module application site only with the objects necessary for its realization: pen, pencil and eraser. Therefore, during the course of the race will not be allowed to consult the materials such as books, articles, dictionaries, notes and any other analog or digital materials.
b) Proficiency in a foreign language:
- Master:
Candidates for the Master's Graduate Stricto Sensu Program in Social Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo will hold the Foreign Language Proficiency Examination solely on the selection process of PósCom-UMESP opting for one of the languages: English, Spanish or French.
- Doctorate degree:
Applicants to the PhD of the Graduate Program Stricto Sensu in Social Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo will have the advantage, as a first foreign language, provided that the applicant is selected in the selection process, that language be included in the school's master's history, and this has been obtained by program accredited by CAPES, no time limit between English, Spanish or French. For proof of proficiency in the second language, the applicant must take the exam only in the selection process of PósCom-UMESP, opting for one of the languages - English, Spanish or French, excluding that of the Master.
- From foreign applicants will be required in addition to the language required by the Program, the Proficiency Exam in Portuguese (CELPE- BRAS). This test is performed in the months of April and October and the certificate has national validity.
- Candidates qualified for admission that are experiencing failure in foreign language knowledge, or Portuguese for foreign applicants may undergo further tests, no later than 01 (one) year from the beginning of the academic activities following planning done by the Board of the Program.
- You may use a printed dictionary for proof of proficiency in a foreign language.
c) Research Project / Curriculum Vitae / Interview:
The interview will consist of complaint about the research project on the candidate's CV and their scientific production. It will also include assessment of the candidate's expectations with regard to the course and their academic and professional future.
Applicants must provide ID at time of interview. The candidate's absence on the day, time and place designated for the interview will be deemed withdrawn.
Important notes:
1) Criteria of Selection Process Committee of PósCom-UMESP the vacancies available for the educational levels of the program (MSc / PhD) may be relocated, according to the number of vacancies for teachers / program advisors and the results of selective process. This means that may be relocated vacancies within each level (master's or doctorate) by guiding as designated by this Notice. The Committee on the Selection Process of PósCOM - UMESP in this case will continue to
respect the ideal ratio between the number of students in master's and doctorate in the program and the total number of vacancies for each supervisor, as Capes parameters.
2) If the new accredit program (s) teacher (s) Permanent (s) in the period in which this selection process is in progress, the successful candidates in the written test and not classified in the interview stage with the indicated advisor, will be informed of possible creation of new jobs and invited to interview with new guidance, respecting the line of research of their initial registration.
3) The Committee on the Selection Process of PósCom-UMESP after the candidate's project analysis considered approved in the written test, but not classified in the short list of the advisor appointed by him, may refer you for further interviews with the other guiding and arrange spaces. In this case, candidates will be notified for new interview schedule to take place on 06/20/2016. Taking into account the profile of the new guidance, the applicant must, if chosen, to adapt their research project.
IV - Disclosure
The teacher will send a list with the classification of successful candidates in the interview, including alternates, if any, to the selection process of the Commission and this will finalize the list of approved and program alternates will be published on the site PósCom. Not the reasons are disclosed by which candidates were not classified, not be appealed in any stage of the selection process.
The list of ranked candidates and alternates will be available on the home-page of METHODIST:, on June 20, 2016 - after 20h.
V - Schedule
The steps outlined above will be held at the University METHODIST - Campus Rudge Ramos - São Bernardo do Campo - SP, according to the following schedule / schedule:
- Written test:
Masters and Doctorate - June 16, 2016 - from 9am to 12pm
- Proficiency Examination in a Foreign Language:
Masters and Doctorate - June 16, 2016 - from 13h to 14h30
} Place of Written Test and Proficiency Examination in a Foreign Language:
Campus Rudge Ramos - Building Cover (computer lab) Masters and Doctorate in room C-119
- Interviews (scheduled and publicized in the test room hours): Masters and Doctorate - June 16, 2016 - 15h
- Proof approved in writing and the Call Earnings Release indicated to interview with another advisor (Site PósCom - UMESP):
June 17, 2016 - 20h
- Interview with another mentor - Master and Doctorate: June 20, 2016
- Supplementary Disclosure of the selection process (Site PósCom - UMESP):
June 20, 2016 - 20h
- Enrollments - Master and Doctorate: Days 22, 23, 24 June 2016
1) Applicants should arrive 15 minutes before the time indicated in the Written Test;
2) Interviews will be carried out as disclosed time in the test room;
3) Applicants not selected or which have been classified in the selection exam, but did not make the registration within the deadline set should withdraw their documents delivered upon registration, during the month of August 2016. Completed this period, the Secretariat Graduate academic no longer be responsible for the custody of them.
License Plate VI of Approved
Enrollment will be held in the Relationship Center in Annex Omicron (opposite the Ordinance), Campus Rudge Ramos, Álfeu Tavares Street, 149 - Rudge Ramos - São Bernardo do Campo / SP, 22 to June 24, 2016, from 8 am to 21h, Monday to Friday.
Successful applicants (Masters and PhD) must schedule time with their mentors, or the Program Coordination, to choice of subjects and signature on the registration form to execute the same. The form will be available on the Program Coordination.
Please note: registration only become effective with the payment of the first installment of the six previous months (July 2016), upon registration.
The candidate ranked in the selection exam that does not make registration on that date will be considered dropouts. Omissions of dubious interpretation for the selection process in question will be solved by the Selection Process Committee, indicated by the Board of the Graduate Program in Social Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo - METHODIST.
Any other information about the program may be obtained from the Relationship Center, by telephone: (0xx11) 4366-5000 or by the Coordination of Postgraduate Studies in Social Communication Program, by phone: (0xx11) 4366.5818 or by e -mail:
São Bernardo do Campo, April 25, 2016. Profa. Dra. Marli dos Santos
Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Communication Annex A: Basic Bibliography for the Written Test
Master and PhD
a) Castells, M. chains of anger and hope. Sao Paulo: Zahar, 2013.
b) RÜDIGER Francisco. Theories of communication. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2013.
c) WOLTON Dominique. Report is not communicating. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2011.
Appendix B: Research Project
This is a preliminary dissertation proposal, and should reveal the candidate's interest in a specific topic related to one of the lines of research. The project should include:
- title
- Author's name
- Research line and intended advisor
- Summary lines 5 to 10
- Research Problem
- Goals
- chosen theme Rationale
- Assumptions
- Literature review
- Methodology
- Bibliographic references.
Obs .: The project should be typed in 1.5 space (one point), font twelve (12) and not exceed 10 pages, including references.
Appendix C: Teachers who provide places for the 2nd half of 2016 Maria Cicilia Peruzzo Krohling
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses related issues of communication and citizenship that encompass community communication issues, alternative in the context of social movements, in addition to media and local community in considering the social development territories.
PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA / USP (1991), a post- doctorate from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. PQ1 researcher of CNPq. ad hoc consultant for research projects from CNPq, CAPES and FAPESP. Author of books and articles published on Public Relations and Community Communication and social movements. research group leader Communi - Center for Community and Local Communication Studies.
Daniel dos Santos Galindo
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses related: the management of marketing communication; relations of consumption and communication; technological contributions and their relationship with the techno-social subjects; new forms of communication and the modern consumer; the symbolic construction of the marks; market communication and children's consumption; the network society and the new public-private space and the construction of images and the articulation of communication skills in the production of intangibles. Doctor of Science Communication and Technology from the Methodist University of São Paulo (2000), did post-doctoral research at the Complutense University of Madrid. research group leader ECOM - Communication Studies with the market. Consultant in marketing and communication.
herom Vargas
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses related to media communication in their interfaces with art, folk music and the aesthetics of communication processes.
PhD in Communication and Semiotics (PUC-SP) with postdoctoral ECA- USP. He was vice president of the Latin American section of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM-AL), management 2014-2016. Coordinates the GT memory in Media, the congress of the composed (2014-2016). He is the author of "musical hybrids of Chico Science & Zombie Nation" (Workshop, 2007), journal articles and chapters in national and foreign books and organizer of three collections.
José Salvador Faro
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses related historical relationships and / or contemporary of Media, Culture, production of meaning and identity construction.
Doctor in Communication ECA / USP (1996). ad hoc consultant for research projects from CNPq, CAPES and FAPESP. Former president of Intercom. Leader of the Contemporary Narratives research group.
Kleber Markus
Guides master's theses related to management of communication skills, brands, responsible consumption, image and reputation of organizations.
PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA / USP (2003), a post- doctorate from the Université Paris Descartes Sorbonne, France. Consultant in marketing and communication. Deputy leader of the research group ECOM - Communication Studies with the market.
Magali Nascimento Cunha
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses related to communication processes from the social imaginary and culture and arising issues such as identity, memory, religion, emphasizing the practices developed in the Community, an alternative framework and against hegemonic, in addition to local media and regional communication.
PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA / USP (2004). Researcher and head of the Media Research Group, Religion and Culture (MIRE) and coordinator of the Brazilian Conference of Ecclesial Communication (ECLESIOCOM), the UNESCO Chair in Communication and Regional Development.
Marli do Santos
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses related to journalism, focusing on journalistic practices in contemporary society, where the heightened mobility, interactivity, multimidialidade, technological ubiquity and colaborativity are aspects that contribute to a new scene in journalism. The changes include the production and distribution processes, accounts, business models and profiles of journalists, including from the perspective of gender and training.
PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA / USP (2004). Journalist, acted on the market as a reporter, editor, press advisor and communications manager. It is member of the CEP - Research and Extension UMESP and the Forum of Communication Graduate
Programs Committee in São Paulo. It is a leader of the research group New practices in journalism.
Paulo Rogério Tarsitano
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses related to construction and brand management, advertising, institutional advertising, performance and media strategies, responsible consumption in the communication market universe, market research and planning and perception of brands.
Doctor of Social Communication at the Methodist University of Sao Paulo. It has long experience in communication, with emphasis on planning and development creation strategies in marketing and institutional advertising campaigns, both in the commercial area of goods and services as in institutional actions of government or private companies. It integrates the executive board of APP - Association of Advertising Professionals.
Sebastião Carlos de Morais Squirra
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses related human-machine interactions and studies on technologies present in the media, on the platforms and digital applications of contemporary communication. PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA / USP (1992), with post- doctorate at the University of North Carolina (USA) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). Visual Communicator and Journalist, was director of Facom-Umesp, vice president of Intercom and Coordinator of Methodist PósCom. Consultant CNPq, FAPESP and CAPES. Leader ComTec Research Group - Communication and Digital Technologies.
Wilson da Costa Bueno
Directs dissertations and doctoral theses related to the management of internal and external communication of organizations. communication strategies in traditional media and social media.
Communication and sustainability. Communication and corporate governance. Communication in crisis situations. Evaluation in Organizational Communication focused mainly on factors that relate to the management of the brand, image and reputation. PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA / USP. Consultant in Corporate Communication area for companies or organizations, public and private, with a view to the preparation of Communication Policies and performing diagnostics focused on the interaction with stakeholders. research group leader CRITICOM - Corporate Communication in Brazil: a critical reading.
Appendix D: Jobs by Author
Search Teachers Jobs Online Master Doctoral Jobs 1 2 2 Herom Vargas
1 1 0 José S. Faro
Marli dos Santos 1 1 0
Sebastian CM 1 1 0 Squirra
2 1 0 Daniel S. Galindo
2 Paulo R. Tarsitano 2 1
Kleber 2 1 0 Markus
C. Wilson 2 1 0 Bueno 3 2 1 cicilia MK Peruzzo 3 2 0 Magali N. Cunha Total - 14 4 Póscom
Appendix E: Interview of Teachers Rooms Teachers room in Building - Cover - 3rd floor MK 317 D cicilia Peruzzo
Daniel S. 317 H Galindo Herom Vargas 317 E Joseph S. 317 F Faro Kleber 311 Markus D Magali 315 B Cunha Marli dos Santos 321 Paul R. 311 C Tarsitano Sebastian CM 317 Squirra Wilson Bueno 315 C. H Special student
special student is one who, undergraduate degree holder / duly registered master, falls in academic activities offered by the program, according to the rules of the Graduate stricto sensu of METHODIST Regulation.
The student condition Special Regime is admitted for two semesters, and students can attend up to two (2) subjects per semester, provided there is available space in pled discipline.
In the registration act of the following documents must be submitted:
Diploma duly registered (for enrollment in the Master) or Master's degree, duly registered (for enrollment in PhD) - 1 certified copy.
Identity Card or RNE (for foreigners) - 1 copy CPF - 1 copy
Curriculum vitae 1 picture 3 x 4
Students in special regime has no permanent link with the Graduate Stricto Sensu Program. If applying the examination of selection and were to be classified for a place in the Graduate stricto sensu program, may require next to the Relationship Center utilization of completed credits, which will be considered by the Board Program.
Additional information / questions / clarifications contact:
- Phone: 4366-5549 Monday to Friday from 8am to 22h
- E-mail:
Local delivery of documentation and completion of the registration: Methodist University of São Paulo
Relationship Center in Annex Omicron (opposite the Main Ordinance) - Campus Rudge Ramos
Alpheus Street Tavares, 149 - São Bernardo do Campo / SP, Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 21.30, except holidays
Postdoctoral (for all PPG, except the Master of Law)
The Methodist University of São Paulo, with the authorization granted by Resolution No. 15/2004 CONSUN offers Postdoctoral Fellow in Communication.
The Postdoctoral is a Perfection Stage, developed through research activities of the project submitted by the applicant and carried out monitoring in agreement, Doctor teacher.
The Methodist University of São Paulo, Stage aims to get teachers and PhD researchers, linked to other higher education institutions in Brazil or abroad.
The program lasts six months to two years and may be extended for up to three years with proper justification and approval of the teacher responsible, which can not simultaneously have more than one post- doctoral student.
Other criteria for a teacher to be able to follow a post-doctoral project is to be a professor of Graduate stricto sensu programs with doctoral level recognized by CAPES, maintained by the University, or integrate the research group registered in the funding agencies .
To apply for Postdoctoral Fellow at the Methodist, the candidate must possess a doctoral degree obtained by the Graduate Programs recognized by CAPES or Programs Graduate Foreign institutions and have experience and scientific output compatible with the research project introduced.
These and other prerequisites must be proven by submitting documents such as the degree of PhD, copy at least three most relevant scientific publications, activities program and, if foreign, permanent visa in Brazil. The full list of the necessary documents and details about its contents is available in the public notice.
At the end of Stage and after approval by CONSUN, the Dean will issue Postdoctoral certificate.
Journal Communication & Society - C & S ISSN (print) 0101-2657
ISSN (electronic) 2175-7755
Email the Journal: Publisher Methodist
Editor: José Marques de Melo
Executive Editor: Elizabeth Moraes Gonçalves Deputy Editors: Magali Cunha and Daniel Galindo
Founded in 1979, the journal Communication & Company (C & S), the oldest publication of its kind in Brazil, legitimized by the seriousness and rigor of the research conveyed. C & S has reaffirmed, over time, its essential role in the consolidation of the Brazilian field of Communication Sciences.
C & B1 S has qualified as evaluated QUALIS and is indexed in the following bases:
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The magazine receives a continuous flow system, scientific articles and critical reviews. Texts must be about issues related to communication processes, with an emphasis on empirical research and theoretical reflections on the media, its production flows, diffusion and reception and their socio-cultural relations; the communicative acts by organizations representing the various stakeholders in the dimensions and languages of dissemination of technical-scientific knowledge and these technological innovations. Reviews should address works published in the last twelve months.
Articles and reviews are handled professionally and within the international scientific standards way. The texts are received by the Editorial Board and distributed to two external referees. To be published, the text must be approved by two external referees. If necessary, a third referee will be called (a) to evaluate the submitted work. The opinions are sent to the author (a) without identifying the name of the external peer reviewers.
The reviewers analyze the texts according to the following recommendations:
relevance of the text submitted to professionals and researchers in the research areas of the Graduate Program in Social Communication;
relevance of the methodological and theoretical contribution of the text;
quality of research and dialogue with the literature; argumentativity and understanding.
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