Areas of Concentration
Research lines
The Graduate Program in Health Psychology MSc and PhD has the Health Psychology as an area of concentration and its objectives are: to train new researchers and faculty in Health Psychology and raise new issues, deepen and reflect on the knowledge of psychology were intended to contribute to health objectives: health promotion and protection in all contexts, prevention and treatment of diseases and all kinds of related behaviors and dysfunctions.
The program's activities are guided by two research lines: Prevention and Treatment and Psychosocial Processes. These lines are based on two perspectives proposed by researchers in the field for the Health Psychology: prevention, protection and treatment of diseases, health promotion.
Prevention and Treatment turns to psychological themes closely associated with acute, chronic or degenerative diseases, is investigating cognitive and emotional processes related to both psychic and somatic symptoms, the relational dynamics of individuals and groups, as well as intervention and evolution in Psychology clinic.
Psychosocial processes based on the perspective of protection, health promotion, putting on analysis issues arising from interfaces health and society, health, work, health, violence, health and psychological processes when psychosocial dimensions that signal contemporary values on health are investigated, risk behaviors such as substance use, indicators of well-being and social support in the workplace, as well as studies focused on construction and validation of measures in this context.
Curricular structure
Meet disciplines: Compulsory Courses: general
Health Psychology Basics Compulsory subject
History of health psychology. The biomedical model, psychosomatic and biopsychosocial model of health. Concepts of health and disease. Objectives of health psychology. Primary health care. Promotion, protection, prevention and rehabilitation of individual and collective health. Psychosocial correlates of health. psychological and health factors. The interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary. Communication problems in health and its consequences. Contemporary research in health psychology.
Scientific methodology Compulsory subject
Science and Comum.História Science Sense. Science and Philosophy. The interaction science and research. The research designs and the validity of the investigations. Ethics in Health Research The process of research in Psychology:. Planning research; the research problem, objectives, assumptions. Methodology of scientific work.
Research in Health Psychology Compulsory subject
The development of the research project according to the qualitative and quantitative designs. Basics of qualitative and quantitative research. The main research designs in health psychology: the experimental research method; the epidemiological research designs; the clinical method in psychological research. Leading critics and philosophers of science: K. Popper and T. Kuhn.
Epistemological and Methodological Foundations in Health Psychology
Analysis and reflection of the basic aspects of the research problem and the development of the research project. The theoretical range of issues surrounding the research. The development of research projects.
Topics in Health Psychology
theoretical and methodological analysis in health psychology, current trends. Research and experience in the field. Social representations of health and disease. Behavior and health. Psychological research in health institutions and in the community. Social factors, protective behaviors and risk. Quality of life. Adaptive efficacy. Lifestyle.
By line of research: PhD Prevention and treatment:
Qualitative Methods in Scientific Research
Historical context of qualitative methods in health psychology. The problem of scientific academic research. The characterization of the object of research in the field of health and illness psychology.
Properties of formal and informal logical research. Adjustment methods and theories. Variety of approaches and methods in qualitative research. fundamental theoretical positions; symbolic interaction, the entometodologia and cultural framework of social and subjective reality; structuralist models. Inductive Methods and deductive.
Psychosocial processes: Inferential Methods in Psychology
Overview of multivariate statistical analysis. Assumptions of multivariate analysis. Test power. Analysis of variance and covariance. Multiple linear regression. Interpretation of results.
Electives Research Line - Prevention and Treatment Functional Anatomy behavior
Evolution and comparative anatomy of the nervous system of vertebrates. Projection circuits and physiology of large-scale brain. descriptive psychology of attention, thinking, sensing, emotion and volition. brain-mind relationship. Studies electro physiological and metabolic mental processes: critical of the potential and limitations of the methods. Design of experimental tasks. Criticism of psychological functionalism. New location function. Applications of anatomical and physiological knowledge of Health Psychology.
Conflict mediation and restorative processes
Concepts of conflict. intragroup conflicts. relationship conflicts, process and tasks. Dimensions of conflicts: degree of negative emotion; importance and potential resolution. Consequences of conflict. Models and mediation settings. focused models in the agreement. focused models in relations. The restorative process and the agreement. The resolution of conflict in the family and at school. Ethics and Morality in mediation.
Family and Health
Subject Line Process Psychosocial
Family: concept, origin and evolution. family psychodynamics and unconscious processes governing family interactions. The family as health element or disease to their members. Theory of Adaptation. Theory of adaptive crisis. Evolution of design of adaptation and wide prevention. Marriage and marital relations. Preventive family psychotherapy.
Forensic psychological research in clinical settings
Fundamentals of psychological and neuropsychological research. Performance practice and research in relation to mental disorders, violence forensic clinical repercussions.
Psychophysiology of the basic psychological processes WRONG LINK
Personality, restoration and vulnerability factors
Study of factorial designs and dimensions of the character. The psychobiological model of temperament and character. Neuroticism and vulnerability to health.
Psychological processes in the context of violence
Study of psychological processes in situations of violence. Search principles of psychosocial factors on physical, psychological and sexual violence. Study of the consequences of sexual abuse on the child's emotional development.
Psychophysiology I: brain circuits and organization behavior
The nervous system in the Animal Kingdom and mammals projection circuits. The hypothalamic and animal effector devices. High- resolution topographic circuits. The columnar organization and its degeneration in cortical hierarchy. Principles of cortico-cortical connections. Cores and field diffuse projections. Expansion of the concept of the basal ganglia, amygdala and expanded telencéfalo mediation structures.
Psychophysiology II: large-scale physiology of brain circuits
William James and descriptive psychology of mental processes. Criticism of the concepts of brain-mind relationship, atomism, causation and information. physiological correlates of mental processes. neural representation. neural learning. Summary of research techniques in neurophysiology and functional neurosurgery. metabolic screening in human neurophysiology. Analysis of electromagnetic fields on human physiology. Functional Location: new hypotheses.
Health and Work
Subject Line Process Psychosocial
History and perspectives of worker health. Working conditions and health. Promotion and protection of health at work. positive health and labor. Research on health and work.
electives Research Line - Psychosocial Processes Community and Health
The trajectory of the Social Community Psychology in the US and Latin America, conceptual frameworks: Community Mental Health or Clinical Psychology / Community; Organizational or systemic; Action or Social Change; Ecological; Community Psychology. Transdisciplinary social-community care and health promotion. Specific studies within different conceptual frameworks expanding the practical application fields. Control of environmental quality and the promotion of self- esteem. Communication applied to health promotion.
Dependence on psychoactive substances Subject Line Process Psychosocial
Historical aspects of the use of psychoactive substances. basics of Psychopharmacology. psychological and sociocultural factors involved in drug use. The family of the addicted to drugs and other reference groups. psychodynamic aspects, defense mechanisms, and disorders related to substance use. Clinical interventions: hospitalization, psychotherapy, drug therapy, family counseling and self-help groups. public policies in the areas of education, prevention and treatment of drug addiction.
Rating scales in health psychology
Psychometric fundamentals of the construction of measurement scales in health psychology: the importance of theoretical basis, formatting items, evidence of validity and reliability. Criteria for choosing scales for diagnosis and research. Scales used in Health Psychology.
Groupality and mental health Subject Line Process Psychosocial
Historical aspects of the social organization of the family group. The Health education in group and institutional framework. psychological aspects of family organization. psychoanalytic approach to family dynamics. systemic relational approach of the Family. Conflicts, symptoms and family protective factors. Introduction to Grounded Theory. parenting study at risk: parental behavior and abuse.
Toxicodepenndência. Mothers with HIV. mental disorders.
Resilience and work
Resilience and labor. theoretical trends: trace and process. Facets of resilience. personal resilience and work. positive organizations and resilience. Factors promoting resilience at work. resilience measures. Research on resilience and work.
Quantitative research
Subject Line Psychosocial Processes
Measurement scales.Descriptive statistics: central tendency, dispersion and correlation. Analysis of variance. electronic data bank organization. Statistical analysis using statistical software.
Multidisciplinary team and Intervention in Public Health
Approach to practical interventions that supported the growth of the concept of public health, the practices of "medical police", the historical epidemic, the health / sickness, construction of the concept of public health, public health and its relation to the human sciences / partners, health as a public good. History of the concepts of social support networks, quality of life and style of community life and the narcissistic / individualistic. multidisciplinary training teams in public health; concepts of disciplinary working levels, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary; approaches the group process of the teams; production conflicts and forms of creative confrontation.
Fundamental Psychopathology and Health Promotion
historical aspects and development of the concepts of health, disease and mental suffering. Origin and transformation of the main psychopathological models. normality criteria and psychological abnormality. health care policies and their social, psychological and ethical implications. Study of the main theoretical models of the symptoms of mental disorders and behavior.
Special Topics in Evaluation and Measures in Health Psychology
Concept scales in Psychometrics. Dimensionality of the constructs. Types of scales. Construction of scales in Health Psychology: selection of constructs; principles of construction; theoretical dimensions; Construction of the items; of validity and reliability tests. Use of statistical software for validation and scales reliability test. The factorial analysis.
Required courses for doctoral students Research Seminars I
Research work under the guidance of a teacher. variable content according to the research topic and of interest to the teacher and the student.
Research Seminars II
Research work under the guidance of a teacher. variable content according to the research topic and of interest to the teacher and the student.
Thesis I Guidance
theoretical and methodological studies on issues related to the thesis. Guidance and monitoring of developments in research for the production of the thesis.
Guidance Thesis II
theoretical and methodological studies on issues related to the thesis. Guidance and monitoring of developments in research for the production of the thesis.
Guidance Thesis III
theoretical and methodological studies on issues related to the thesis. Guidance and monitoring of developments in research for the production of the thesis.
Thesis Orientation IV
theoretical and methodological studies on issues related to the thesis. Guidance and monitoring of developments in research for the production of the thesis.
electives of the Common Core of Graduate Programs Stricto Sensu Teaching in higher education
scientific knowledge in the humanities and social sciences: Problems, Challenges and Perspectives
Introduction to quantitative research
cross-cutting themes and authors / the references in different areas of knowledge
Teachers (names relationship with links to Lattes)
Maria do Carmo Fernandes Martins - Coordinator
Graduated in Psychology USP / RP and PhD in Psychology, University of Brasilia (UNB).
Research topics: Organizational climate, intragroup conflict, resilience at work, power in organizations, engagement, burnout and job satisfaction.
Antonio de Padua Serafim
Graduated in Psychology at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). Master in Neuroscience and Behavior at the Psychology Institute of USP (IPUSP) and Doctorate in Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, USP.
Themes Research: Psychology of Health and Hospital, clinical neuropsychology and forensic psychopathology, mental health and violence.
Carla Luciano Codani Hisatugo
Graduated in Psychology from PUC / SP, Master in Psychology Clinic at PUC / RS, Doctorate in Science from the Department of Post- graduation in psychiatry and mental health of the UNIFESP, PhD from the Department of Postgraduate Developmental Psychology, Personality and Learning USP.
Research topics: Psychological assessment, personality, Rorschach, mental health, psychopathology, development, learning, risk factors and protection, child and adolescent resilience, psychometry (validity studies and regulatory studies).
Eda Marconi Custodio
Graduated in Psychology from PUC / SP and PhD in School Psychology and Human Development USP / SP.
Luis Fernando Hindi Basile
Medical and PhD in Experimental Pathophysiology USP. Post doctorate from the Faculty of Medicine, USP
Maria Geralda Viana Heleno
Graduated in Psychology. Master in Health Psychology UMESP and PhD in Psychology at USP / SP
Themes Research: Quality of Life and Adaptive efficacy in chronic degenerative diseases; Psychology of Health and Hospital; domestic violence, mental health and restorative justice.
Marilia Martins Vizzotto
Graduated in Psychology by the Integrated Colleges of Uberaba - FIUBE. Master in Clinical Psychology by PUCCampinas and PhD in Mental Health by UNICAMP.
Themes Research: Mental Health, signs and symptoms of depression in college students; domestic violence. human development psychoanalytic approach (paternity) and studies on technical management of psychotherapy and other forms of psychological attention to outside the office environment.
Manuel Morgado Rezende
Graduated in Psychology from PUC / SP. Master in Clinical Psychology from PUC / Campinas and PhD in Mental Health by UNICAMP. Postdoctoral fellow in Health Psychology from the University of Algarve - UALg.
Themes Research: Psychopathology and substance use, psychosocial rehabilitation in the area of mental health groups and health promotion.
Miria Benincasa Gomes
Degree in Psychology from the University of Uberaba, Master in Health Psychology from the Methodist University of São Paulo and a PhD in Psychology of Human Development at USP.
Research themes: Humanization of Health Care, Humanized Delivery, Obstetric Violence, Motherhood, Femininity, Women's Health, Psychological Intervention Models in Health.
Dates and Notices
Registration: May 2 to June 10, 2016 Written test:
Day: 13/06/2016
Hours: 9am to 12pm
Proof of proficiency in a foreign language: Day: 13/06/2016
Time: from 13h to 15h Interview for students: Day: 15/06/2016
Time: 15h30 to 18h
Location: Coord. PPG in Health Psychology - Room 920 - Floor 9 Result: June 20, 2016
Registration: 22 June 24, 2016
Post-graduate program in Psychology HEALTH
Student Selection Notice for the Graduate Program in Health Psychology for courses
Academic year 2016 - 2nd Semester I - Description
The Graduate Program in Health Psychology of the Methodist University of São Paulo do know that from the day 2 May 2016 are open enrollment for filling 14 (Fourteen) vacancies in the Masters.
It analyzes the psychological aspects of acute and chronic diseases, emotional and cognitive components of psychological and somatic symptoms, dynamic relational individuals / groups and the
effectiveness of procedures and therapeutic approaches. Training of human resources for the health sector and implementation of public policies.
Brings together research on the group size, institutional and community, focusing on risk behaviors, health and work, cognitive processes and assessment tools and measures in health psychology. Training of human resources for businesses.
Entries will be made in the Relationship Center in Floor 3 - Building B, Plateau Campus, Dom Jaime de Barros Camara Street, 149 - Planalto - Sao Bernardo do Campo / SP, from 02 May to 10 June 2016 from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 21.00, except holidays, by submitting the following documents:
a) 1 photo 3x4;
b) Registration of Individuals (CPF) - 1 copy;
c) Identity Card (or OAB of Identity Card) and foreign applicants, the RNE - 1 copy;
d) Registration fee payment voucher in the amount of R $ 110.00 (one hundred and ten reais)
e) Curriculum Vitae - 1 copy;
f) Graduate Diploma duly registered (for inclusion in the Master) - 1 certified copy.
g) Copies of Scientific Production, such as research reports, articles.
h) Transcript Graduation - 1 certified copy. School from abroad History must be authenticated by the Brazilian consular authority in the country of origin of the documentation and the registered translation;
i) research project that aims to develop with a view to future dissertation / thesis (information in Annex B); (2 copies);
j) Registration form, duly completed and signed. - Form available on the link: inscricao/ficha_de_inscricao_2/view
May enroll graduates in Psychology, Health Sciences and related fields. The extraordinary cases will be examined by the Selection Committee.
Applicants residing outside of São Paulo can register by registered mail, via Courier or by proxy, the model is available on the link: of- attorney / view, and the docket regarding the registration fee will be sent to the candidate upon receipt of documentation, by e-mail available on the "registration Form", with a deadline for payment.
In cases of application by registered mail, only applicants will be considered subscribers whose documentation and payments are settled within registration.
Place of submission of application documents: Academic Office of Graduate Studies - Campus Rudge Ramos-Beta Building - Sacramento Street, 230 - Rudge Ramos - CEP: 09640-000
The selection process for filling vacancies in the Graduate Program in Psychology, Master, will be held on the following steps:
a) Written Test;
b) Proficiency Test in English for applicants to the Master's vacancies. Foreign students will be able to proficiency exam in their mother tongue provided it integrates the choices offered and provided to carry out the CELPE-BRAS examination;
c) Research Project Assessment submitted by the applicant (a) the registration;
d) Curriculum vitae evaluation submitted by the applicant (a) the registration;
f) Interview. check schedule
The steps outlined above will be held at the Methodist University of São Paulo, Plateau Campus - Av Dom Jaime de Barros Camara, 1000 - Planalto- São Bernardo do Campo - SP, according to the following schedule / schedule.:
Written test: Day: 13/06/2016
Hours: 9am to 12pm
Proof of proficiency in a foreign language: Day: 13/06/2016
Time: from 13h to 15h Interview for students: Day: 15/06/2016
Time: 15h30 to 18h
Location: Coord. PPG in Health Psychology - Room 920 - Floor 9 Written test
The event will address issues in health psychology and research method, listed in the references (Annex A). The applicant (a) enter the race application site only with objects necessary for achieving this: pen, pencil and eraser. Therefore, during its execution, will not be allowed to consult with any material. It is also forbidden to use calculators or similar and any communication device, including mobile phones. At the time of the test, candidates must submit an identity document. The candidate's absence on the day, place and time appointed for the holding of proof shall be deemed withdrawn.
Note: The Written Test, candidates must arrive at the location indicated by 15 minutes in advance.
Proficiency Exam in Foreign Language
Candidates (as) to the Graduate Program in Psychology of Health, School of Medical Sciences and Health, should carry out proficiency tests in foreign language exclusively in the selection process.
Candidates (as) the master will do the English exam. the use of monolingual dictionary, provided by the applicant shall be allowed.
Foreign students will be able to proficiency exam in their mother tongue provided it integrates the choices offered and provided they meet the requirement of Proficiency Test in English Language (CELPE- BRAS). This exam is always held in April and October and the certificate has national validity.
The candidates in the program that are experiencing failure in foreign language knowledge may be subject to further examination, no later than 01 (one) year from the date of commencement of academic activities, according to the planning done by the Board of the Program.
The candidates in the program that show insufficient knowledge of Portuguese for foreign applicants may undergo further tests (CELPE- BRAS), no later than 01 (one) year from the date of commencement of academic activities, second planning MEC.
They may be accepted as evidence of proficiency in foreign languages proficiency tests carried out by the following schools, institutions or equivalent:
- English: Alumni (Level - Toffel *), English Culture (Level - Inglês Language of Service and Training (ELTS) * or First Certificate in Inglês (FCE) * Cultural Institute Brazil / USA - First Certificate in Inglês (FCE) *;
* Certificate equal to or greater
Interview, Project Evaluation and Curriculum Vitae
At the time of the interview, candidates must submit an identity document. The candidate's absence on the day, time and place appointed for the interview, shall be deemed withdrawn.
The interview consists of complaint about the research project on the curriculum and on the candidate's publications. also addresses the expectations of the course and professional candidate's future.
Disclosure Result Final Selection Process
The list of names of candidates classified will be available on the website of the Graduate Program in Health Psychology and the home page METHODIST:, on June 20, 2016.
Successful applicants must schedule registration with the indicated orientation Guiding, or the Program Coordination, before filling in the registration form (choice of subjects).
II - Registration of Approved
Enrollment will be held in the Relationship Center in Floor 3 - Building B, Campus Plateau, Don Rua Jaime de Barros Camara, 149 - Planalto - Sao Bernardo do Campo / SP, 22 to 24 June 2016, from 9 am to 21:00 .
The registration will become effective with the payment of the first installment of the half-yearly July 2016, upon registration.
III - Final Provisions
The candidate ranked in the selection exam that does not make registration in the days set forth above will be considered dropouts. No appeal may be of any kind, once released the results of the selection process by the Student Selection of the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Methodist University Health Commission of São Paulo - UMESP.
Omissions or dubious interpretation relating to the selection process in question will be resolved by the Student Selection Committee of the Graduate Program in Health Psychology of the Methodist University of São Paulo - UMESP.
Unselected candidates or have been classified in the selection exam, but did not effect the registration within the prescribed period shall
withdraw their documents delivered upon registration, during the month of August 2016. Completed this period, the Secretariat Graduate academic no longer be responsible for their care.
Any other information about the program may be obtained from the Relationship Center, by telephone: (0xx11) 4366-5000, email: or the Graduate Program Coordination in Health Psychology, on the phone: (0xx11) - 4366-5351, from 8h30 to 11h30 and 13h30 to 17h30 from Monday to friday or e-mail:
São Bernardo do Campo, April 4, 2016.
Profa. Dra. Maria do Carmo Fernandes Martins Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Health Psychology ANNEX A
Basic Bibliography for the written test - Master Basic Bibliography for the written test
Smith, MMM; Jesus, SN & Oliveira, VB Health Psychology: Theory and Research. São Bernardo do Campo, 2008: Ed Methodist..
Rao, MM & Heleno, MGV (eds) (2013). Psychology and Health Promotion in Contemporary Scenarios. São Paulo: Ed Vector..
About Research Project - Master MASTER
The project should include:
- title
- Author's name
- Summary of lines 5
- Introduction (text should address the topics listed below)
- chosen theme Rationale Literature revision research objectives
- method Participants Local
Tools / materials Procedures Ethical aspects
- References (list all authors and other sources cited in the design of the body)
The design space must be typed 1.5 (one point five) and supply twelve
(12) and does not exceed 10 (ten) pages, including references.
Teachers and research lines for the selection process for the 2nd half of 2016.
Lecturer Research Line
Antonio de Padua Serafim Prevention and Treatment Carla Luciano C. psychosocial processes Hisatugo
Eda Marconi Custódio Prevention and Treatment Lucieneida Dovao Praun Psychosocial Processes
Luis Fernando Hindi Basile Prevention and Treatment Manuel Morgado Rezende Psychosocial Processes Maria do Carmo Martins F. Psychosocial Processes Maria Geralda Viana Heleno Prevention and Treatment Marilia Martins Vizzotto Prevention and Treatment Miria Benincasa Gomes Psychosocial Processes TEACHING BODY
Maria do Carmo Martins Fernandes (Coordinator)
Graduated in Psychology from USP / RP, and MS and PhD in Psychology from the University of Brasilia (UNB).
Antonio de Padua Serafim
Graduated in Psychology at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). Master in Neuroscience and Behavior at the Psychology Institute of USP (IPUSP) and Doctorate in Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, USP.
Carla Luciano Codani Hisatugo
Graduated in Psychology from PUC / SP, Master in Clinical Psychology from PUC / RS and Doctorate in Sciences Department of Postgraduate Psychiatry and Mental Health UNIFESP.
Eda Marconi Custodio
Graduated in Psychology from PUC / SP and PhD in School Psychology and Human Development USP / SP.
Lucieneida Dováo Praun
Degree in Social Sciences from the University Center St. Andrew Foundation, CUFSA, Master and PhD in Sociology from the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the State University of Campinas (IFCH / UNICAMP).
Luis Fernando Hindi Basile
Medical and PhD in Experimental Pathophysiology USP. Post doctorate from the Faculty of Medicine of USP.
Maria Geralda Viana Heleno
Graduated in Psychology at the Faculty Senator Flaquer. Master in Health Psychology UMESP and PhD in Psychology at USP / SP.
Marilia Martins Vizzotto
Graduated in Psychology by the Integrated Colleges of Uberaba - FIUBE. Master in Clinical Psychology by PUCCampinas and PhD in
Mental Health by UNICAMP. Post-doctoral degree in Health Psychology from the University of Algarve - UALg.
Manuel Morgado Rezende
Graduated in Psychology from PUC / SP. Master in Clinical Psychology from PUC / Campinas and PhD in Mental Health by UNICAMP. Postdoctoral fellow in Health Psychology from the University of Algarve - UALg.
Miria Benincasa Gomes
Degree in Psychology from the University of Uberaba, Master in Health Psychology from the Methodist University of São Paulo and a PhD in School Psychology and Human Development at USP.
Special student
special student is one who, undergraduate degree holder / duly registered master, falls in academic activities offered by the program, according to the rules of the Graduate stricto sensu of METHODIST Regulation.
The student condition Special Regime is admitted for two semesters, and students can attend up to two (2) subjects per semester, provided there is available space in pled discipline.
In the registration act of the following documents must be submitted:
Diploma duly registered (for enrollment in the Master) or Master's degree, duly registered (for enrollment in PhD) - 1 certified copy.
Identity Card or RNE (for foreigners) - 1 copy CPF - 1 copy
Curriculum vitae 1 picture 3 x 4
Students in special regime has no permanent link with the Graduate Stricto Sensu Program. If applying the examination of selection and were to be classified for a place in the Graduate stricto sensu program, may require next to the Relationship Center utilization of completed credits, which will be considered by the Board Program.
Additional information / questions / clarifications contact:
- Phone: 4366-5549 Monday to Friday from 8am to 22h
- E-mail:
Local delivery of documentation and completion of the registration: Methodist University of São Paulo
Relationship Center in Annex Omicron (opposite the Main Ordinance) - Campus Rudge Ramos
Alpheus Street Tavares, 149 - São Bernardo do Campo / SP, Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 21.30, except holidays
Post doctoral
Magazine Changes: Health Psychology
"Mudanças- Health Psychology" is a biannual journal, which has contemplated the advances and methodological innovations in Health Psychology, defined in correspondence to the Health Psychology, Division 38 of the American Psychological Association, which is concerned with the prevention of associated diseases to autoimmunity, the immune system and the endocrine system, such as type 2 diabetes, heart transplantation, myocardial infarction, dyslipidemia and esquizoparanóides hostilities, among others.
It corresponds to the former Medical Psychology area, which in 1979, the first course of Graduate in Psychology Methodist, had subjects taught by Paulo Vaz de Arruda Correa and Lucia Maria Salvia Coelho: Medical Psychology and Personality Psychology. It is an interdisciplinary field and related psychosomatic psychology, which considers health the whole outcome variables studied by different professionals.
The Health Psychology therefore corresponds to the set of sciences and measures to prevent mental illness and biopsychosocial intervention and provides a monistic view of the human being, the one that is the main reason for psychological care in health programs.
The journal "Changes" has provided space for researchers of mental health and related articles to publish and disseminate the results of psychological research, leaving the reader to reflection and action to a more effective mental health of citizens.
Read more about the changes Magazine - Health Psychology
(0xx11) 4366-5351