3rd Meeting of the Port-city University League (PUL) - "The port as a complex reality: legal and environmental issues"
11/09/2008 10h54 - última modificação 11/09/2008 10h56
The University of Lisbon (Portugal) will organise on the 27-30 October 2008 the 3rd Meeting of the Port-city University League (PUL) with the theme "The port as a complex reality: legal and environmental issues".
The PUL intends to foster collaboration, excellence and innovation between port cities and higher education institutions toward creating a global base of research and education. At a time that the network of global ports is expected to develop further developments, the PUL is very keen to enhance further international cooperation and holds a meeting at Lisbon to share different experiences and to define new strategies.
The 3rd Meeting of the PUL aims at providing up-to-date information and further discussions on the complex integration of ports on a city context, focusing on a range of topics related to legal, urban and environmental issues. The meeting will include both lectures and port visits and is aimed not only at research scientists, but also for those involved in the assessment of environmental quality, management systems, insurances, trades, etc. The speakers’ panel is composed of some of the most renowned international experts on port and city communication, trade, border control, industrial development, ocean and coastal management and environmental protection.
The program, registration and other information details are available at http://www.pul2008.ul.pt. The deadline for registration is 3rd October 2008. In case you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact the organisation through the following e-mail address pul2008@reitoria.ul.pt.